Adds an archive to the file system. virtual bool addFileArchive (IFileArchive *archive)=0. Adds an archive to the file system. virtual _IRR_DEPRECATED_ bool ...
Provides a generic interface for attributes and their values and the possiblity to serialize them. More... class IFileArchive. The FileArchive manages archives ...
This optional ID can be used to link the file list entry to information held elsewhere. For example this could be an index in an IFileArchive, linking the entry ...
irr::io::IFileArchive · irr::io::IFileList · irr::io ... irr::gui::IGUISpriteBank Class Reference. Sprite ... The documentation for this class was generated from ...
Activate any joysticks, and generate events for them. virtual void clearSystemMessages ()=0. Remove messages pending in the system message loop. virtual void ...
Returns the ordering used by the currently active column. virtual void * getCellData (u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex) const =0. Get the data of a cell. virtual ...
Class List · Class Index · Class Hierarchy · Class ... IFileArchive.h · IFileList.h · IFileSystem.h ... irrunpack.h File Reference. Go to the source code of this ...
Sets if the static text should use the overide color or the color in the gui skin. virtual IGUIFont * getActiveFont () const =0. Get the font which is used ...
Returns true if this element can be focused by navigating with the tab key. virtual bool isVisible () const. Returns true if element is visible. virtual void ...
Returns a const reference to the list of all children. virtual s32 getID () const. Get the id of the scene node. virtual video::SMaterial & getMaterial (u32 num).