Calculates 2d screen position from a 3d position. Detailed Description. The Scene Collision Manager provides methods for performing collision tests and picking ...
Gets the root scene node. virtual ISceneCollisionManager * getSceneCollisionManager ()=0. Get pointer to the scene collision manager. virtual ISceneLoader * ...
class IQ3LevelMesh. Interface for a Mesh which can be loaded directly from a Quake3 .bsp-file. More... class ISceneCollisionManager. The Scene Collision ...
Class Members · Namespace List · Namespace Members · File List · File Members. Public Member Functions. irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse Class ...
irr::scene::ISceneCollisionManager · irr::scene ... irr::scene::ISceneNode Class Reference. Scene node ... The documentation for this class was generated from the ...
Constructor. virtual void bindTargetAndRotation (bool bound)=0. Binds the camera scene node's rotation to its target position and vice vera, or unbinds them.
A scene node for displaying terrain using the geo mip map algorithm. The code for the TerrainSceneNode is based on the Terrain renderer by Soconne and the ...
Class List · Class Index · Class Hierarchy · Class ... irrlicht.h File Reference. Main header file of the irrlicht ... #include "ISceneCollisionManager.h" #include ...
... Class Reference. A scene node for displaying 2d text at a position in three dimensional space. More... #include <ITextSceneNode.h>.
Gets the triangles for one associated node which may lie within a specific bounding box. virtual void getTriangles (core::triangle3df *triangles, s32 arraySize, ...