So all four values may be between 0 and 255. Alpha in Irrlicht is opacity, so 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque (solid). This class is used by most ...
Class representing a color in HSL format. More... Namespaces. namespace irr. Everything in the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this namespace.
Vertex with a tangent and binormal vector. More... class SColor. Class representing a 32 bit ARGB color. More... class SColorf.
Adds an attribute as axis aligned bounding box. virtual void addColor (const c8 *attributeName, video::SColor value)=0. Adds an attribute as color. virtual void ...
template<class S , class T > vector2d< T > ... References max_(), and min_(). Referenced by irr::scene ... SColorf::getInterpolated(), irr::video::SColor ...
Returns zero based index of tab if in tabcontrol. virtual video::SColor getTextColor () const =0. gets the color of the text. virtual bool isDrawingBackground ...
gui::IGUIInOutFader* fader = device->getGUIEnvironment()->addInOutFader(); fader->setColor(video::SColor(0,255,0,0)); fader->fadeIn(4000);. Definition ...
Adds a scene node for rendering an animated mesh model. virtual IAnimatedMesh * addArrowMesh (const io::path &name, video::SColor vtxColorCylinder=0xFFFFFFFF, ...
Returns true if the image is scaled to fit, false if not. virtual void setColor (video::SColor color)=0. Sets the color of the image. virtual ...
List of all members. Public Member Functions. virtual void draw2DRectangle (IGUIElement *element, const video::SColor &color, const core::rect< s32 > &pos, ...