Member Data Documentation ... How much ambient light (a global light) is reflected by this material. The default is full white, meaning objects are completely ...
class SMaterial. Detailed Description. Struct for holding material parameters which exist per texture layer. Definition at line 48 of file SMaterialLayer.h ...
Get pointer to a mesh buffer which fits a material. virtual u32 getMeshBufferCount () const =0. Get the amount of mesh buffers. virtual void setBoundingBox ( ...
Sets the material type of all materials in this scene node to a new material type. virtual void setName (const c8 *name). Sets the name of the node. virtual ...
More... class IImageWriter. Interface for writing software image data. More... class IMaterialRenderer. Interface for material rendering.
Class Index · Class Hierarchy · Class Members ... virtual IMeshBuffer * getMeshBuffer (const video::SMaterial &material) const ... References irr::IReferenceCounted ...
... SMaterial *material, f32 hillHeight, const core::dimension2d< f32 > &countHills, const core::dimension2d< f32 > &textureRepeatCount) const =0. Create a ...
Adds an external image writer to the engine. virtual s32 addMaterialRenderer (IMaterialRenderer *renderer, const c8 *name=0)=0. Adds a new material renderer to ...
Basic classes such as vectors, planes, arrays, lists, and so on can be found in this namespace. More... Classes. class aabbox3d.
A part of an IMesh which has the same material on each face of that group. Logical groups of an IMesh need not be put into separate mesh buffers, but can be.