virtual void setAnimationEndCallback (IAnimationEndCallBack *callback=0)=0. Sets a callback interface which will be called if an animation playback has ended ...
Scene node capable of displaying an animated mesh and its shadow. More... class IAnimationEndCallBack. Callback interface for catching events of ended ...
Gets the animation speed of the animated mesh. Returns: The number of frames per second to play the animation with by default. If the amount is 0, it is a ...
Sets the debug name of the object. Detailed Description. Base class of most objects of the Irrlicht Engine. This class provides reference counting through the ...
Sets a new mesh to display. virtual void setReadOnlyMaterials (bool readonly)=0. Sets if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them ...
irr::scene::IAnimationEndCallBack · irr::io ... File List · File Members. Public Member Functions. irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse Class Reference.
Append the meshbuffer to the current buffer. virtual const core::aabbox3df & getBoundingBox () const =0. Get the axis aligned bounding box of this meshbuffer.
The near edge. Detailed Description. template<class T> class irr::core::aabbox3d< T >. Axis aligned bounding box in 3d dimensional space.
Called if an event happened. Detailed Description. Interface of an object which can receive events. Many of the engine's classes inherit IEventReceiver so they ...
irr::scene::IAnimationEndCallBack · irr::io ... irr::gui::IGUIInOutFader Class Reference. Element ... The documentation for this class was generated from the ...