Namespaces · namespace irr. Everything in the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this namespace. · namespace irr::video. The video namespace contains classes for ...
virtual video::S3DVertex & getLast ()=0; virtual video::E_VERTEX_TYPE getType () const =0; virtual video::S3DVertex & operator[] (const u32 index) const =0 ...
More... class IVideoModeList. A list of all available video modes. More... struct S3DVertex. standard vertex used by ...
Class representing a 32 bit ARGB color. The color values for alpha, red, green, and blue are stored in a single u32. So all four values may be between 0 and 255 ...
Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex vertices. Parameters: mesh, Input mesh. Returns: Mesh consisting only of S3DVertex vertices.
template<class S , class T > vector2d< T > ... References max_(), and min_(). Referenced by irr::scene::quake3 ... S3DVertex::getInterpolated(), irr::video ...
Interface for using some special functions of MD3 meshes. More... class IAnimatedMeshSceneNode. Scene node capable of displaying an animated mesh and its shadow ...
Calculates the angle between this vector and another one in degree. T getDistanceFrom (const vector2d< T > &other) const. Gets distance from another point. T ...
irr::video::S3DVertex · irr::video ... File List · File Members. Public Member Functions. irr::gui::ICursorControl Class Reference ... A pointer to an reference ...
An interpolated vector. This vector is not modified. Definition at line 247 of file vector3d.h. Referenced by irr::video::S3DVertex::getInterpolated(), ...