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./aip/1.8aipmod/include/S3DVertex.h :

// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt

// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".

// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h

#ifndef __S_3D_VERTEX_H_INCLUDED__
#define __S_3D_VERTEX_H_INCLUDED__

#include "vector3d.h"
#include "vector2d.h"
#include "SColor.h"

namespace irr
namespace video

//! Enumeration for all vertex types there are.

	//! Standard vertex type used by the Irrlicht engine, video::S3DVertex.


	//! Vertex with two texture coordinates, video::S3DVertex2TCoords.

	/** Usually used for geometry with lightmaps or other special materials. */

	//! Vertex with a tangent and binormal vector, video::S3DVertexTangents.

	/** Usually used for tangent space normal mapping. */

//! Array holding the built in vertex type names

const char* const sBuiltInVertexTypeNames[] =

//! standard vertex used by the Irrlicht engine.

struct S3DVertex
	//! default constructor

	S3DVertex() {}

	//! constructor

	S3DVertex(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 nx, f32 ny, f32 nz, SColor c, f32 tu, f32 tv)
		: Pos(x,y,z), Normal(nx,ny,nz), Color(c), TCoords(tu,tv) {}

	//! constructor

	S3DVertex(const core::vector3df& pos, const core::vector3df& normal,
		SColor color, const core::vector2d<f32>& tcoords)
		: Pos(pos), Normal(normal), Color(color), TCoords(tcoords) {}

	//! Position

	core::vector3df Pos;

	//! Normal vector

	core::vector3df Normal;

	//! Color

	SColor Color;

	//! Texture coordinates

	core::vector2d<f32> TCoords;

	bool operator==(const S3DVertex& other) const
		return ((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) &&
			(Color == other.Color) && (TCoords == other.TCoords));

	bool operator!=(const S3DVertex& other) const
		return ((Pos != other.Pos) || (Normal != other.Normal) ||
			(Color != other.Color) || (TCoords != other.TCoords));

	bool operator<(const S3DVertex& other) const
		return ((Pos < other.Pos) ||
				((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal < other.Normal)) ||
				((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) && (Color < other.Color)) ||
				((Pos == other.Pos) && (Normal == other.Normal) && (Color == other.Color) && (TCoords < other.TCoords)));

	E_VERTEX_TYPE getType() const
		return EVT_STANDARD;

	S3DVertex getInterpolated(const S3DVertex& other, f32 d)
		d = core::clamp(d, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		return S3DVertex(Pos.getInterpolated(other.Pos, d),
				Normal.getInterpolated(other.Normal, d),
				Color.getInterpolated(other.Color, d),
				TCoords.getInterpolated(other.TCoords, d));

//! Vertex with two texture coordinates.

/** Usually used for geometry with lightmaps
or other special materials.
struct S3DVertex2TCoords : public S3DVertex
	//! default constructor

	S3DVertex2TCoords() : S3DVertex() {}

	//! constructor with two different texture coords, but no normal

	S3DVertex2TCoords(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, SColor c, f32 tu, f32 tv, f32 tu2, f32 tv2)
		: S3DVertex(x,y,z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, c, tu,tv), TCoords2(tu2,tv2) {}

	//! constructor with two different texture coords, but no normal

	S3DVertex2TCoords(const core::vector3df& pos, SColor color,
		const core::vector2d<f32>& tcoords, const core::vector2d<f32>& tcoords2)
		: S3DVertex(pos, core::vector3df(), color, tcoords), TCoords2(tcoords2) {}

	//! constructor with all values

	S3DVertex2TCoords(const core::vector3df& pos, const core::vector3df& normal, const SColor& color,
		const core::vector2d<f32>& tcoords, const core::vector2d<f32>& tcoords2)
		: S3DVertex(pos, normal, color, tcoords), TCoords2(tcoords2) {}

	//! constructor with all values

	S3DVertex2TCoords(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 nx, f32 ny, f32 nz, SColor c, f32 tu, f32 tv, f32 tu2, f32 tv2)
		: S3DVertex(x,y,z, nx,ny,nz, c, tu,tv), TCoords2(tu2,tv2) {}

	//! constructor with the same texture coords and normal

	S3DVertex2TCoords(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 nx, f32 ny, f32 nz, SColor c, f32 tu, f32 tv)
		: S3DVertex(x,y,z, nx,ny,nz, c, tu,tv), TCoords2(tu,tv) {}

	//! constructor with the same texture coords and normal

	S3DVertex2TCoords(const core::vector3df& pos, const core::vector3df& normal,
		SColor color, const core::vector2d<f32>& tcoords)
		: S3DVertex(pos, normal, color, tcoords), TCoords2(tcoords) {}

	//! constructor from S3DVertex

	S3DVertex2TCoords(S3DVertex& o) : S3DVertex(o) {}

	//! Second set of texture coordinates

	core::vector2d<f32> TCoords2;

	//! Equality operator

	bool operator==(const S3DVertex2TCoords& other) const
		return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this)==other) &&
			(TCoords2 == other.TCoords2));

	//! Inequality operator

	bool operator!=(const S3DVertex2TCoords& other) const
		return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this)!=other) ||
			(TCoords2 != other.TCoords2));

	bool operator<(const S3DVertex2TCoords& other) const
		return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) < other) ||
				((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (TCoords2 < other.TCoords2)));

	E_VERTEX_TYPE getType() const
		return EVT_2TCOORDS;

	S3DVertex2TCoords getInterpolated(const S3DVertex2TCoords& other, f32 d)
		d = core::clamp(d, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		return S3DVertex2TCoords(Pos.getInterpolated(other.Pos, d),
				Normal.getInterpolated(other.Normal, d),
				Color.getInterpolated(other.Color, d),
				TCoords.getInterpolated(other.TCoords, d),
				TCoords2.getInterpolated(other.TCoords2, d));

//! Vertex with a tangent and binormal vector.

/** Usually used for tangent space normal mapping. */
struct S3DVertexTangents : public S3DVertex
	//! default constructor

	S3DVertexTangents() : S3DVertex() { }

	//! constructor

	S3DVertexTangents(f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, f32 nx=0.0f, f32 ny=0.0f, f32 nz=0.0f,
			SColor c = 0xFFFFFFFF, f32 tu=0.0f, f32 tv=0.0f,
			f32 tanx=0.0f, f32 tany=0.0f, f32 tanz=0.0f,
			f32 bx=0.0f, f32 by=0.0f, f32 bz=0.0f)
		: S3DVertex(x,y,z, nx,ny,nz, c, tu,tv), Tangent(tanx,tany,tanz), Binormal(bx,by,bz) { }

	//! constructor

	S3DVertexTangents(const core::vector3df& pos, SColor c,
		const core::vector2df& tcoords)
		: S3DVertex(pos, core::vector3df(), c, tcoords) { }

	//! constructor

	S3DVertexTangents(const core::vector3df& pos,
		const core::vector3df& normal, SColor c,
		const core::vector2df& tcoords,
		const core::vector3df& tangent=core::vector3df(),
		const core::vector3df& binormal=core::vector3df())
		: S3DVertex(pos, normal, c, tcoords), Tangent(tangent), Binormal(binormal) { }

	//! Tangent vector along the x-axis of the texture

	core::vector3df Tangent;

	//! Binormal vector (tangent x normal)

	core::vector3df Binormal;

	bool operator==(const S3DVertexTangents& other) const
		return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this)==other) &&
			(Tangent == other.Tangent) &&
			(Binormal == other.Binormal));

	bool operator!=(const S3DVertexTangents& other) const
		return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this)!=other) ||
			(Tangent != other.Tangent) ||
			(Binormal != other.Binormal));

	bool operator<(const S3DVertexTangents& other) const
		return ((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) < other) ||
				((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (Tangent < other.Tangent)) ||
				((static_cast<S3DVertex>(*this) == other) && (Tangent == other.Tangent) && (Binormal < other.Binormal)));

	E_VERTEX_TYPE getType() const
		return EVT_TANGENTS;

	S3DVertexTangents getInterpolated(const S3DVertexTangents& other, f32 d)
		d = core::clamp(d, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		return S3DVertexTangents(Pos.getInterpolated(other.Pos, d),
				Normal.getInterpolated(other.Normal, d),
				Color.getInterpolated(other.Color, d),
				TCoords.getInterpolated(other.TCoords, d),
				Tangent.getInterpolated(other.Tangent, d),
				Binormal.getInterpolated(other.Binormal, d));

inline u32 getVertexPitchFromType(E_VERTEX_TYPE vertexType)
	switch (vertexType)
	case video::EVT_2TCOORDS:
		return sizeof(video::S3DVertex2TCoords);
	case video::EVT_TANGENTS:
		return sizeof(video::S3DVertexTangents);
		return sizeof(video::S3DVertex);

} // end namespace video

} // end namespace irr


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