Version Originale

./aip/1.8aipmod/source/Irrlicht/CAnimatedMeshHalfLife.h :

// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Thomas Alten

// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".

// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "IAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "IMeshLoader.h"
#include "SMesh.h"
#include "IReadFile.h"

namespace irr
namespace scene

#if defined(_MSC_VER) ||  defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) 
#	pragma pack( push, packing )
#	pragma pack( 1 )
#	define PACK_STRUCT
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
#	define PACK_STRUCT	__attribute__((packed))
#	error compiler not supported

	// STUDIO MODELS, Copyright (c) 1998, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.

	#define MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES	20000	// TODO: tune this

	#define MAXSTUDIOVERTS		2048	// TODO: tune this

	#define MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES	256		// total animation sequences

	#define MAXSTUDIOSKINS		100		// total textures

	#define MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES	512		// bones allowed at source movement

	#define MAXSTUDIOBONES		128		// total bones actually used

	#define MAXSTUDIOMODELS		32		// sub-models per model

	#define MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS	512		// per sequence

	#define MAXSTUDIOEVENTS		1024

	typedef f32 vec3_hl[3];	// x,y,z

	typedef f32 vec4_hl[4];	// x,y,z,w

	struct SHalflifeHeader
		c8 id[4];
		s32 version;

		c8 name[64];
		s32 length;

		vec3_hl eyeposition;	// ideal eye position

		vec3_hl min;			// ideal movement hull size

		vec3_hl max;			

		vec3_hl bbmin;			// clipping bounding box

		vec3_hl bbmax;		

		s32	flags;

		u32	numbones;			// bones

		u32	boneindex;

		u32	numbonecontrollers;		// bone controllers

		u32	bonecontrollerindex;

		u32	numhitboxes;			// complex bounding boxes

		u32	hitboxindex;			

		u32	numseq;				// animation sequences

		u32	seqindex;

		u32	numseqgroups;		// demand loaded sequences

		u32	seqgroupindex;

		u32	numtextures;		// raw textures

		u32	textureindex;
		u32	texturedataindex;

		u32	numskinref;			// replaceable textures

		u32	numskinfamilies;
		u32	skinindex;

		u32	numbodyparts;		
		u32	bodypartindex;

		u32	numattachments;		// queryable attachable points

		u32	attachmentindex;

		s32	soundtable;
		s32	soundindex;
		s32	soundgroups;
		s32	soundgroupindex;

		s32 numtransitions;		// animation node to animation node transition graph

		s32	transitionindex;

	// header for demand loaded sequence group data

	typedef struct 
		s32 id;
		s32 version;

		c8 name[64];
		s32 length;
	} studioseqhdr_t;

	// bones

	struct SHalflifeBone
		c8 name[32];	// bone name for symbolic links

		s32 parent;		// parent bone

		s32 flags;		// ??

		s32 bonecontroller[6];	// bone controller index, -1 == none

		f32 value[6];	// default DoF values

		f32 scale[6];   // scale for delta DoF values


	// bone controllers

	struct SHalflifeBoneController
		s32 bone;	// -1 == 0

		s32 type;	// X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR, M

		f32 start;
		f32 end;
		s32 rest;	// byte index value at rest

		s32 index;	// 0-3 user set controller, 4 mouth


	// intersection boxes

	struct SHalflifeBBox
		s32 bone;
		s32 group;			// intersection group

		vec3_hl bbmin;		// bounding box

		vec3_hl bbmax;		

#ifndef ZONE_H
	typedef void *cache_user_t;

	// demand loaded sequence groups

	struct SHalflifeSequenceGroup
		c8 label[32];	// textual name

		c8 name[64];	// file name

		cache_user_t cache;		// cache index pointer

		s32 data;		// hack for group 0


	// sequence descriptions

	struct SHalflifeSequence
		c8 label[32];	// sequence label

		f32 fps;		// frames per second	

		s32 flags;		// looping/non-looping flags

		s32 activity;
		s32 actweight;

		s32 numevents;
		s32 eventindex;

		s32 numframes;	// number of frames per sequence

		u32 numpivots;	// number of foot pivots

		u32 pivotindex;

		s32 motiontype;	
		s32 motionbone;
		vec3_hl linearmovement;
		s32 automoveposindex;
		s32 automoveangleindex;

		vec3_hl bbmin;		// per sequence bounding box

		vec3_hl bbmax;		

		s32 numblends;
		s32 animindex;		// SHalflifeAnimOffset pointer relative to start of sequence group data

		// [blend][bone][X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR]

		s32 blendtype[2];	// X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR

		f32 blendstart[2];	// starting value

		f32 blendend[2];	// ending value

		s32 blendparent;

		s32 seqgroup;		// sequence group for demand loading

		s32 entrynode;		// transition node at entry

		s32 exitnode;		// transition node at exit

		s32 nodeflags;		// transition rules

		s32 nextseq;		// auto advancing sequences


	// events

	typedef struct 
		s32 frame;
		s32 event;
		s32 type;
		c8 options[64];
	} mstudioevent_t;

	// pivots

	typedef struct 
		vec3_hl org;	// pivot point

		s32 start;
		s32 end;
	} mstudiopivot_t;

	// attachment

	struct SHalfelifeAttachment
		c8 name[32];
		s32 type;
		s32 bone;
		vec3_hl org;	// attachment point

		vec3_hl vectors[3];

	struct SHalflifeAnimOffset
		u16	offset[6];

	// animation frames

	union SHalfelifeAnimationFrame
		struct {
			u8	valid;
			u8	total;
		} num;
		s16		value;

	// body part index

	struct SHalflifeBody
		c8 name[64];
		u32 nummodels;
		u32 base;
		u32 modelindex; // index into models array


	// skin info

	struct SHalflifeTexture
		c8 name[64];
		s32 flags;
		s32 width;
		s32 height;
		s32 index;

	// skin families

	// short	index[skinfamilies][skinref]

	// studio models

	struct SHalflifeModel
		c8 name[64];
		s32 type;

		f32	boundingradius;

		u32	nummesh;
		u32	meshindex;

		u32	numverts;		// number of unique vertices

		u32	vertinfoindex;	// vertex bone info

		u32	vertindex;		// vertex vec3_hl

		u32	numnorms;		// number of unique surface normals

		u32	norminfoindex;	// normal bone info

		u32	normindex;		// normal vec3_hl

		u32	numgroups;		// deformation groups

		u32	groupindex;

	// meshes

	typedef struct 
		u32	numtris;
		u32	triindex;
		u32	skinref;
		u32	numnorms;		// per mesh normals

		u32	normindex;		// normal vec3_hl

	} SHalflifeMesh;

			// lighting options

	#define STUDIO_NF_FLATSHADE		0x0001
	#define STUDIO_NF_CHROME		0x0002
	#define STUDIO_NF_FULLBRIGHT	0x0004

			// motion flags

	#define STUDIO_X		0x0001
	#define STUDIO_Y		0x0002	
	#define STUDIO_Z		0x0004
	#define STUDIO_XR		0x0008
	#define STUDIO_YR		0x0010
	#define STUDIO_ZR		0x0020
	#define STUDIO_LX		0x0040
	#define STUDIO_LY		0x0080
	#define STUDIO_LZ		0x0100
	#define STUDIO_AX		0x0200
	#define STUDIO_AY		0x0400
	#define STUDIO_AZ		0x0800
	#define STUDIO_AXR		0x1000
	#define STUDIO_AYR		0x2000
	#define STUDIO_AZR		0x4000
	#define STUDIO_TYPES	0x7FFF
	#define STUDIO_RLOOP	0x8000	// controller that wraps shortest distance

			// sequence flags

	#define STUDIO_LOOPING	0x0001

			// bone flags

	#define STUDIO_HAS_NORMALS	0x0001
	#define STUDIO_HAS_VERTICES 0x0002
	#define STUDIO_HAS_BBOX		0x0004
	#define STUDIO_HAS_CHROME	0x0008	// if any of the textures have chrome on them

	#define RAD_TO_STUDIO		(32768.0/M_PI)
	#define STUDIO_TO_RAD		(M_PI/32768.0)

		// Default alignment

#if defined(_MSC_VER) ||  defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) 
#	pragma pack( pop, packing )

		Combine Source Images with arbitrary size and bithdepth to an Image with 2^n size
		borders from the source images are copied around for allowing filtering ( bilinear, mipmap )
	struct STextureAtlas
		STextureAtlas ()

		virtual ~STextureAtlas ()
			release ();

		void release ();
		void addSource ( const c8 * name, video::IImage * image );
		void create ( u32 pixelborder, video::E_TEXTURE_CLAMP texmode );
		void getScale ( core::vector2df &scale );
		void getTranslation ( const c8 * name, core::vector2di &pos );

		struct TextureAtlasEntry
			io::path name;
			u32 width;
			u32 height;

			core::vector2di pos;

			video::IImage * image;

			bool operator < ( const TextureAtlasEntry & other )
				return height > other.height;

		core::array < TextureAtlasEntry > atlas;
		video::IImage * Master;

	class CAnimatedMeshHalfLife : public IAnimatedMesh

		//! constructor

		CAnimatedMeshHalfLife( );

		//! destructor

		virtual ~CAnimatedMeshHalfLife();

		//! loads a Halflife mdl file

		virtual bool loadModelFile( io::IReadFile* file, ISceneManager * smgr );


		virtual u32 getFrameCount() const;
		virtual IMesh* getMesh(s32 frame, s32 detailLevel, s32 startFrameLoop, s32 endFrameLoop);
		virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const;
		virtual E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE getMeshType() const;
		virtual void renderModel ( u32 param, video::IVideoDriver * driver, const core::matrix4 &absoluteTransformation);

		//! returns amount of mesh buffers.

		virtual u32 getMeshBufferCount() const;
		//! returns pointer to a mesh buffer

		virtual IMeshBuffer* getMeshBuffer(u32 nr) const;
		//! Returns pointer to a mesh buffer which fits a material

		virtual IMeshBuffer* getMeshBuffer( const video::SMaterial &material) const;

		virtual void setMaterialFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue);

		//! set the hardware mapping hint, for driver

		virtual void setHardwareMappingHint(E_HARDWARE_MAPPING newMappingHint, E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX);

		//! flags the meshbuffer as changed, reloads hardware buffers

		virtual void setDirty(E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX);

		//! set user axis aligned bounding box

		virtual void setBoundingBox(const core::aabbox3df& box);

		//! Get the Animation List

		virtual IAnimationList* getAnimList () { return &AnimList; }

		//! Return the named Body List of this Animated Mesh

		virtual IBodyList *getBodyList() { return &BodyList; }


		// KeyFrame Animation List

		IAnimationList AnimList;
		// Sum of all sequences

		u32 FrameCount;

		// Named meshes of the Body

		IBodyList BodyList;

		//! return a Mesh per frame

		SMesh MeshIPol;

		ISceneManager *SceneManager;

		SHalflifeHeader *Header;
		SHalflifeHeader *TextureHeader;
		bool OwnTexModel;						// do we have a modelT.mdl ?

		SHalflifeHeader *AnimationHeader[32];	// sequences named model01.mdl, model02.mdl

		void initData ();
		void freeModel ();
		SHalflifeHeader * loadModel( io::IReadFile* file, const io::path &filename );
		bool postLoadModel( const io::path &filename );

		u32 SequenceIndex;	// sequence index

		f32 CurrentFrame;	// Current Frame

		u8  BoneController[4 + 1 ];	// bone controllers + mouth position

		u8	Blending[2];		// animation blending

		f32 SetController( s32 controllerIndex, f32 value );

		u32	SkinGroupSelection;			// skin group selection

		u32 SetSkin( u32 value );

		void initModel ();
		void dumpModelInfo ( u32 level);

		void ExtractBbox( s32 sequence, core::aabbox3df &box );

		void setUpBones ();
		SHalflifeAnimOffset * getAnim( SHalflifeSequence *seq );
		void slerpBones( vec4_hl q1[], vec3_hl pos1[], vec4_hl q2[], vec3_hl pos2[], f32 s );
		void calcRotations ( vec3_hl *pos, vec4_hl *q, SHalflifeSequence *seq, SHalflifeAnimOffset *anim, f32 f );

		vec4_hl BoneAdj;
		void calcBoneAdj();
		void calcBoneQuaternion( s32 frame, f32 s, SHalflifeBone *bone, SHalflifeAnimOffset *anim, f32 *q ) const;
		void calcBonePosition( s32 frame, f32 s, SHalflifeBone *bone, SHalflifeAnimOffset *anim, f32 *pos ) const;

		void buildVertices ();

		io::path TextureBaseName;


		STextureAtlas TextureAtlas;
		video::ITexture *TextureMaster;

	//! Meshloader capable of loading HalfLife Model files

	class CHalflifeMDLMeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader

		//! Constructor

		CHalflifeMDLMeshFileLoader( scene::ISceneManager* smgr );

		//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class

		//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".bsp")

		virtual bool isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const;

		//! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file.

		//! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed.

		//! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop().

		//! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information.

		virtual IAnimatedMesh* createMesh(io::IReadFile* file);

		scene::ISceneManager* SceneManager;

} // end namespace scene

} // end namespace irr


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