// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Thomas Alten // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" #include "IBurningShader.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_BURNINGSVIDEO_ namespace irr { namespace video { /*! Render states define set-up states for all kinds of vertex and pixel processing. Some render states set up vertex processing, and some set up pixel processing (see Render States). Render states can be saved and restored using stateblocks (see State Blocks Save and Restore State). */ enum BD3DRENDERSTATETYPE { /*! BD3DRS_ZENABLE Depth-buffering state as one member of the BD3DZBUFFERTYPE enumerated type. Set this state to D3DZB_TRUE to enable z-buffering, D3DZB_USEW to enable w-buffering, or D3DZB_FALSE to disable depth buffering. The default value for this render state is D3DZB_TRUE if a depth stencil was created along with the swap chain by setting the EnableAutoDepthStencil member of the D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS structure to TRUE, and D3DZB_FALSE otherwise. */ BD3DRS_ZENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_FILLMODE One or more members of the D3DFILLMODE enumerated type. The default value is D3DFILL_SOLID. */ BD3DRS_FILLMODE, /*! BD3DRS_SHADEMODE One or more members of the D3DSHADEMODE enumerated type. The default value is D3DSHADE_GOURAUD. */ BD3DRS_SHADEMODE, /*! BD3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE TRUE to enable the application to write to the depth buffer. The default value is TRUE. This member enables an application to prevent the system from updating the depth buffer with new depth values. If FALSE, depth comparisons are still made according to the render state D3DRS_ZFUNC, assuming that depth buffering is taking place, but depth values are not written to the buffer. */ BD3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE TRUE to enable per pixel alpha testing. If the test passes, the pixel is processed by the frame buffer. Otherwise, all frame-buffer processing is skipped for the pixel. The test is done by comparing the incoming alpha value with the reference alpha value, using the comparison function provided by the D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC render state. The reference alpha value is determined by the value set for D3DRS_ALPHAREF. For more information, see Alpha Testing State. The default value of this parameter is FALSE. */ BD3DRS_ALPHATESTENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_SRCBLEND One member of the BD3DBLEND enumerated type. The default value is BD3DBLEND_ONE. */ BD3DRS_SRCBLEND, /*! BD3DRS_DESTBLEND One member of the BD3DBLEND enumerated type. The default value is BD3DBLEND_ZERO. */ BD3DRS_DESTBLEND, /*! BD3DRS_CULLMODE Specifies how back-facing triangles are culled, if at all. This can be set to one member of the BD3DCULL enumerated type. The default value is BD3DCULL_CCW. */ BD3DRS_CULLMODE, /*! BD3DRS_ZFUNC One member of the BD3DCMPFUNC enumerated type. The default value is BD3DCMP_LESSEQUAL. This member enables an application to accept or reject a pixel, based on its distance from the camera. The depth value of the pixel is compared with the depth-buffer value. If the depth value of the pixel passes the comparison function, the pixel is written. The depth value is written to the depth buffer only if the render state is TRUE. Software rasterizers and many hardware accelerators work faster if the depth test fails, because there is no need to filter and modulate the texture if the pixel is not going to be rendered. */ BD3DRS_ZFUNC, /*! BD3DRS_ALPHAREF Value that specifies a reference alpha value against which pixels are tested when alpha testing is enabled. This is an 8-bit value placed in the low 8 bits of the DWORD render-state value. Values can range from 0x00000000 through 0x000000FF. The default value is 0. */ BD3DRS_ALPHAREF, /*! BD3DRS_ALPHAFUNC One member of the BD3DCMPFUNC enumerated type. The default value is BD3DCMP_ALWAYS. This member enables an application to accept or reject a pixel, based on its alpha value. */ BD3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, /*! BD3DRS_DITHERENABLE TRUE to enable dithering. The default value is FALSE. */ BD3DRS_DITHERENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE TRUE to enable alpha-blended transparency. The default value is FALSE. The type of alpha blending is determined by the BD3DRS_SRCBLEND and BD3DRS_DESTBLEND render states. */ BD3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_FOGENABLE TRUE to enable fog blending. The default value is FALSE. For more information about using fog blending, see Fog. */ BD3DRS_FOGENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_SPECULARENABLE TRUE to enable specular highlights. The default value is FALSE. Specular highlights are calculated as though every vertex in the object being lit is at the object's origin. This gives the expected results as long as the object is modeled around the origin and the distance from the light to the object is relatively large. In other cases, the results as undefined. When this member is set to TRUE, the specular color is added to the base color after the texture cascade but before alpha blending. */ BD3DRS_SPECULARENABLE, /*! BD3DRS_FOGCOLOR Value whose type is D3DCOLOR. The default value is 0. For more information about fog color, see Fog Color. */ BD3DRS_FOGCOLOR, /*! BD3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE The fog formula to be used for pixel fog. Set to one of the members of the D3DFOGMODE enumerated type. The default value is D3DFOG_NONE. For more information about pixel fog, see Pixel Fog. */ BD3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, /*! BD3DRS_FOGSTART Depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects begin for linear fog mode. The default value is 0.0f. Depth is specified in world space for vertex fog and either device space [0.0, 1.0] or world space for pixel fog. For pixel fog, these values are in device space when the system uses z for fog calculations and world-world space when the system is using eye-relative fog (w-fog). For more information, see Fog Parameters and Eye-Relative vs. Z-based Depth. Values for the this render state are floating-point values. Because the IDirect3DDevice9::SetRenderState method accepts DWORD values, your application must cast a variable that contains the value, as shown in the following code example. pDevice9->SetRenderState( BD3DRS_FOGSTART, *((DWORD*) (&fFogStart))); */ BD3DRS_FOGSTART, /*! BD3DRS_FOGEND Depth at which pixel or vertex fog effects end for linear fog mode. The default value is 1.0f. Depth is specified in world space for vertex fog and either device space [0.0, 1.0] or world space for pixel fog. For pixel fog, these values are in device space when the system uses z for fog calculations and in world space when the system is using eye-relative fog (w-fog). For more information, see Fog Parameters and Eye-Relative vs. Z-based Depth. Values for this render state are floating-point values. */ BD3DRS_FOGEND, /*! BD3DRS_FOGDENSITY Fog density for pixel or vertex fog used in the exponential fog modes (D3DFOG_EXP and D3DFOG_EXP2). Valid density values range from 0.0 through 1.0. The default value is 1.0. For more information, see Fog Parameters. Values for this render state are floating-point values. */ BD3DRS_FOGDENSITY, /*! BD3DRS_RANGEFOGENABLE TRUE to enable range-based vertex fog. The default value is FALSE, in which case the system uses depth-based fog. In range-based fog, the distance of an object from the viewer is used to compute fog effects, not the depth of the object (that is, the z-coordinate) in the scene. In range-based fog, all fog methods work as usual, except that they use range instead of depth in the computations. Range is the correct factor to use for fog computations, but depth is commonly used instead because range is time-consuming to compute and depth is generally already available. Using depth to calculate fog has the undesirable effect of having the fogginess of peripheral objects change as the viewer's eye moves - in this case, the depth changes and the range remains constant. Because no hardware currently supports per-pixel range-based fog, range correction is offered only for vertex fog. For more information, see Vertex Fog. */ BD3DRS_RANGEFOGENABLE = 48, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILENABLE TRUE to enable stenciling, or FALSE to disable stenciling. The default value is FALSE. For more information, see Stencil Buffer Techniques. */ BD3DRS_STENCILENABLE = 52, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILFAIL Stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails. Values are from the D3DSTENCILOP enumerated type. The default value is D3DSTENCILOP_KEEP. */ BD3DRS_STENCILFAIL = 53, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILZFAIL Stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth test (z-test) fails. Values are from the D3DSTENCILOP enumerated type. The default value is D3DSTENCILOP_KEEP. */ BD3DRS_STENCILZFAIL = 54, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILPASS Stencil operation to perform if both the stencil and the depth (z) tests pass. Values are from the D3DSTENCILOP enumerated type. The default value is D3DSTENCILOP_KEEP. */ BD3DRS_STENCILPASS = 55, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILFUNC Comparison function for the stencil test. Values are from the D3DCMPFUNC enumerated type. The default value is D3DCMP_ALWAYS. The comparison function is used to compare the reference value to a stencil buffer entry. This comparison applies only to the bits in the reference value and stencil buffer entry that are set in the stencil mask (set by the D3DRS_STENCILMASK render state). If TRUE, the stencil test passes. */ BD3DRS_STENCILFUNC = 56, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILREF An int reference value for the stencil test. The default value is 0. */ BD3DRS_STENCILREF = 57, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILMASK Mask applied to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test. The default mask is 0xFFFFFFFF. */ BD3DRS_STENCILMASK = 58, /*! BD3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK Write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer. The default mask is 0xFFFFFFFF. */ BD3DRS_STENCILWRITEMASK = 59, /*! BD3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR Color used for multiple-texture blending with the D3DTA_TFACTOR texture-blending argument or the D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA texture-blending operation. The associated value is a D3DCOLOR variable. The default value is opaque white (0xFFFFFFFF). */ BD3DRS_TEXTUREFACTOR = 60, /*! BD3DRS_WRAP0 Texture-wrapping behavior for multiple sets of texture coordinates. Valid values for this render state can be any combination of the D3DWRAPCOORD_0 (or D3DWRAP_U), D3DWRAPCOORD_1 (or D3DWRAP_V), D3DWRAPCOORD_2 (or D3DWRAP_W), and D3DWRAPCOORD_3 flags. These cause the system to wrap in the direction of the first, second, third, and fourth dimensions, sometimes referred to as the s, t, r, and q directions, for a given texture. The default value for this render state is 0 (wrapping disabled in all directions). */ BD3DRS_WRAP0 = 128, BD3DRS_WRAP1 = 129, BD3DRS_WRAP2 = 130, BD3DRS_WRAP3 = 131, BD3DRS_WRAP4 = 132, BD3DRS_WRAP5 = 133, BD3DRS_WRAP6 = 134, BD3DRS_WRAP7 = 135, /*! BD3DRS_CLIPPING TRUE to enable primitive clipping by Direct3D, or FALSE to disable it. The default value is TRUE. */ BD3DRS_CLIPPING = 136, /*! BD3DRS_LIGHTING TRUE to enable Direct3D lighting, or FALSE to disable it. The default value is TRUE. Only vertices that include a vertex normal are properly lit; vertices that do not contain a normal employ a dot product of 0 in all lighting calculations. */ BD3DRS_LIGHTING = 137, /*! D3DRS_AMBIENT Ambient light color. This value is of type D3DCOLOR. The default value is 0. */ BD3DRS_AMBIENT = 139, /*! BD3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE Fog formula to be used for vertex fog. Set to one member of the BD3DFOGMODE enumerated type. The default value is D3DFOG_NONE. */ BD3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE = 140, /*! BD3DRS_COLORVERTEX TRUE to enable per-vertex color or FALSE to disable it. The default value is TRUE. Enabling per-vertex color allows the system to include the color defined for individual vertices in its lighting calculations. For more information, see the following render states: BD3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE BD3DRS_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE BD3DRS_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE BD3DRS_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE */ BD3DRS_COLORVERTEX = 141, /*! BD3DRS_LOCALVIEWER TRUE to enable camera-relative specular highlights, or FALSE to use orthogonal specular highlights. The default value is TRUE. Applications that use orthogonal projection should specify false. */ BD3DRS_LOCALVIEWER = 142, /*! BD3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS TRUE to enable automatic normalization of vertex normals, or FALSE to disable it. The default value is FALSE. Enabling this feature causes the system to normalize the vertex normals for vertices after transforming them to camera space, which can be computationally time-consuming. */ BD3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS = 143, /*! BD3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE Diffuse color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE enumerated type. The default value is D3DMCS_COLOR1. The value for this render state is used only if the D3DRS_COLORVERTEX render state is set to TRUE. */ BD3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE = 145, /*! BD3DRS_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE Specular color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE enumerated type. The default value is D3DMCS_COLOR2. */ BD3DRS_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE = 146, /*! D3DRS_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE Ambient color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE enumerated type. The default value is D3DMCS_MATERIAL. */ BD3DRS_AMBIENTMATERIALSOURCE = 147, /*! D3DRS_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE Emissive color source for lighting calculations. Valid values are members of the D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE enumerated type. The default value is D3DMCS_MATERIAL. */ BD3DRS_EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE = 148, /*! D3DRS_VERTEXBLEND Number of matrices to use to perform geometry blending, if any. Valid values are members of the D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS enumerated type. The default value is D3DVBF_DISABLE. */ BD3DRS_VERTEXBLEND = 151, /* D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE Enables or disables user-defined clipping planes. Valid values are any DWORD in which the status of each bit (set or not set) toggles the activation state of a corresponding user-defined clipping plane. The least significant bit (bit 0) controls the first clipping plane at index 0, and subsequent bits control the activation of clipping planes at higher indexes. If a bit is set, the system applies the appropriate clipping plane during scene rendering. The default value is 0. The D3DCLIPPLANEn macros are defined to provide a convenient way to enable clipping planes. */ BD3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE = 152, BD3DRS_POINTSIZE = 154, BD3DRS_POINTSIZE_MIN = 155, BD3DRS_POINTSPRITEENABLE = 156, BD3DRS_POINTSCALEENABLE = 157, BD3DRS_POINTSCALE_A = 158, BD3DRS_POINTSCALE_B = 159, BD3DRS_POINTSCALE_C = 160, BD3DRS_MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS = 161, BD3DRS_MULTISAMPLEMASK = 162, BD3DRS_PATCHEDGESTYLE = 163, BD3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN = 165, BD3DRS_POINTSIZE_MAX = 166, BD3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE = 167, BD3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE = 168, BD3DRS_TWEENFACTOR = 170, BD3DRS_BLENDOP = 171, BD3DRS_POSITIONDEGREE = 172, BD3DRS_NORMALDEGREE = 173, BD3DRS_SCISSORTESTENABLE = 174, BD3DRS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS = 175, BD3DRS_ANTIALIASEDLINEENABLE = 176, BD3DRS_MINTESSELLATIONLEVEL = 178, BD3DRS_MAXTESSELLATIONLEVEL = 179, BD3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_X = 180, BD3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_Y = 181, BD3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_Z = 182, BD3DRS_ADAPTIVETESS_W = 183, BD3DRS_ENABLEADAPTIVETESSELLATION = 184, BD3DRS_TWOSIDEDSTENCILMODE = 185, BD3DRS_CCW_STENCILFAIL = 186, BD3DRS_CCW_STENCILZFAIL = 187, BD3DRS_CCW_STENCILPASS = 188, BD3DRS_CCW_STENCILFUNC = 189, BD3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE1 = 190, BD3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE2 = 191, BD3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE3 = 192, BD3DRS_BLENDFACTOR = 193, BD3DRS_SRGBWRITEENABLE = 194, BD3DRS_DEPTHBIAS = 195, BD3DRS_WRAP8 = 198, BD3DRS_WRAP9 = 199, BD3DRS_WRAP10 = 200, BD3DRS_WRAP11 = 201, BD3DRS_WRAP12 = 202, BD3DRS_WRAP13 = 203, BD3DRS_WRAP14 = 204, BD3DRS_WRAP15 = 205, BD3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE = 206, BD3DRS_SRCBLENDALPHA = 207, BD3DRS_DESTBLENDALPHA = 208, BD3DRS_BLENDOPALPHA = 209, BD3DRS_MAX_TYPE }; /*! Defines constants that describe depth-buffer formats Members of this enumerated type are used with the D3DRS_ZENABLE render state. */ enum BD3DZBUFFERTYPE { BD3DZB_FALSE = 0, // Disable depth buffering BD3DZB_TRUE = 1, // Enable z-buffering BD3DZB_USEW = 2 //Enable w-buffering. }; //! Defines the supported compare functions. enum BD3DCMPFUNC { BD3DCMP_NEVER = 1,// Always fail the test. BD3DCMP_LESS, // Accept the new pixel if its value is less than the value of the current pixel. BD3DCMP_EQUAL, // Accept the new pixel if its value equals the value of the current pixel. BD3DCMP_LESSEQUAL, // Accept the new pixel if its value is less than or equal to the value of the current pixel. BD3DCMP_GREATER, // Accept the new pixel if its value is greater than the value of the current pixel. BD3DCMP_NOTEQUAL, // Accept the new pixel if its value does not equal the value of the current pixel. BD3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL,// Accept the new pixel if its value is greater than or equal to the value of the current pixel. BD3DCMP_ALWAYS // Always pass the test. }; enum BD3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { BD3DMCS_MATERIAL = 0, // Use the color from the current material. BD3DMCS_COLOR1 = 1, // Use the diffuse vertex color. BD3DMCS_COLOR2 = 2 // Use the specular vertex color. }; //! Defines constants that describe the supported shading modes. enum BD3DSHADEMODE { /*! BD3DSHADE_FLAT Flat shading mode. The color and specular component of the first vertex in the triangle are used to determine the color and specular component of the face. These colors remain constant across the triangle; that is, they are not interpolated. The specular alpha is interpolated. */ BD3DSHADE_FLAT = 1, /*! BD3DSHADE_GOURAUD Gouraud shading mode. The color and specular components of the face are determined by a linear interpolation between all three of the triangle's vertices. */ BD3DSHADE_GOURAUD = 2, /*! BD3DSHADE_PHONG Not supported. */ BD3DSHADE_PHONG = 3 }; /*! Defines constants describing the fill mode The values in this enumerated type are used by the BD3DRS_FILLMODE render state */ enum BD3DFILLMODE { BD3DFILL_POINT = 1, // Fill points. BD3DFILL_WIREFRAME = 2, // Fill wireframes. BD3DFILL_SOLID = 3 // Fill solids. }; /*! Defines the supported culling modes. The values in this enumerated type are used by the B3DRS_CULLMODE render state. The culling modes define how back faces are culled when rendering a geometry. */ enum BD3DCULL { BD3DCULL_NONE = 1, // Do not cull back faces. BD3DCULL_CW = 2, // Cull back faces with clockwise vertices. BD3DCULL_CCW = 3 // Cull back faces with counterclockwise vertices. }; struct SShaderParam { u32 ColorUnits; u32 TextureUnits; u32 RenderState [ BD3DRS_MAX_TYPE ]; void SetRenderState ( BD3DRENDERSTATETYPE state, u32 value ); }; void SShaderParam::SetRenderState ( BD3DRENDERSTATETYPE state, u32 value ) { RenderState [ state ] = value; } class CBurningShader_Raster_Reference : public IBurningShader { public: //! constructor CBurningShader_Raster_Reference(CBurningVideoDriver* driver); //! draws an indexed triangle list virtual void drawTriangle ( const s4DVertex *a,const s4DVertex *b,const s4DVertex *c ); virtual void setMaterial ( const SBurningShaderMaterial &material ); private: void scanline (); void scanline2 (); sScanLineData line; sPixelShaderData pShader; void pShader_1 (); void pShader_EMT_LIGHTMAP_M4 (); SShaderParam ShaderParam; REALINLINE u32 depthFunc (); REALINLINE void depthWrite (); }; //! constructor CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::CBurningShader_Raster_Reference(CBurningVideoDriver* driver) : IBurningShader(driver) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CBurningShader_Raster_Reference"); #endif } /*! */ void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::pShader_EMT_LIGHTMAP_M4 () { tFixPoint r0, g0, b0; tFixPoint r1, g1, b1; f32 inversew = fix_inverse32 ( line.w[0] ); getSample_texture ( r0, g0, b0, &IT[0], tofix ( line.t[0][0].x,inversew), tofix ( line.t[0][0].y,inversew) ); getSample_texture ( r1, g1, b1, &IT[1], tofix ( line.t[1][0].x,inversew), tofix ( line.t[1][0].y,inversew) ); pShader.dst[pShader.i] = fix_to_color ( clampfix_maxcolor ( imulFix_tex2 ( r0, r1 ) ), clampfix_maxcolor ( imulFix_tex2 ( g0, g1 ) ), clampfix_maxcolor ( imulFix_tex2 ( b0, b1 ) ) ); } /*! */ void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::pShader_1 () { tFixPoint r0, g0, b0; tFixPoint tx0, ty0; const f32 inversew = fix_inverse32 ( line.w[0] ); tx0 = tofix ( line.t[0][0].x, inversew ); ty0 = tofix ( line.t[0][0].y, inversew ); getSample_texture ( r0, g0, b0, &IT[0], tx0, ty0 ); pShader.dst[pShader.i] = fix_to_color ( r0, g0, b0 ); } /*! */ void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::setMaterial ( const SBurningShaderMaterial &material ) { const video::SMaterial &m = material.org; u32 i; u32 enable; ShaderParam.ColorUnits = 0; ShaderParam.TextureUnits = 0; for ( i = 0; i != BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i ) { if ( m.getTexture( i ) ) ShaderParam.TextureUnits = i; } // shademode ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_SHADEMODE, m.GouraudShading ? BD3DSHADE_GOURAUD : BD3DSHADE_FLAT ); // fillmode ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_FILLMODE, m.Wireframe ? BD3DFILL_WIREFRAME : m.PointCloud ? BD3DFILL_POINT : BD3DFILL_SOLID ); // back face culling ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_CULLMODE, m.BackfaceCulling ? BD3DCULL_CCW : BD3DCULL_NONE ); // lighting ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_LIGHTING, m.Lighting ); // specular highlights enable = F32_LOWER_EQUAL_0 ( m.Shininess ); ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_SPECULARENABLE, enable); ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_NORMALIZENORMALS, enable); ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_SPECULARMATERIALSOURCE, (m.ColorMaterial==ECM_SPECULAR)?BD3DMCS_COLOR1:BD3DMCS_MATERIAL); // depth buffer enable and compare ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_ZENABLE, (material.org.ZBuffer==video::ECFN_NEVER) ? BD3DZB_FALSE : BD3DZB_USEW); switch (material.org.ZBuffer) { case ECFN_NEVER: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_NEVER); break; case ECFN_LESSEQUAL: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); break; case ECFN_EQUAL: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_EQUAL); break; case ECFN_LESS: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); break; case ECFN_NOTEQUAL: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_NOTEQUAL); break; case ECFN_GREATEREQUAL: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_GREATEREQUAL); break; case ECFN_GREATER: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_GREATER); break; case ECFN_ALWAYS: ShaderParam.SetRenderState(BD3DRS_ZFUNC, BD3DCMP_ALWAYS); break; } // depth buffer write ShaderParam.SetRenderState( BD3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, m.ZWriteEnable ); } /*! */ REALINLINE u32 CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::depthFunc () { if ( ShaderParam.RenderState [ BD3DRS_ZENABLE ] ) { switch ( ShaderParam.RenderState [ BD3DRS_ZFUNC ] ) { case BD3DCMP_LESSEQUAL: return line.w[0] >= pShader.z[ pShader.i]; case BD3DCMP_EQUAL: return line.w[0] == pShader.z[ pShader.i]; } } return 1; } /*! */ REALINLINE void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::depthWrite () { if ( ShaderParam.RenderState [ BD3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE ] ) { pShader.z[pShader.i] = line.w[0]; } } /*! */ REALINLINE void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::scanline2() { // apply top-left fill-convention, left pShader.xStart = core::ceil32( line.x[0] ); pShader.xEnd = core::ceil32( line.x[1] ) - 1; pShader.dx = pShader.xEnd - pShader.xStart; if ( pShader.dx < 0 ) return; // slopes const f32 invDeltaX = core::reciprocal ( line.x[1] - line.x[0] ); const f32 subPixel = ( (f32) pShader.xStart ) - line.x[0]; // store slopes in endpoint, and correct first pixel line.w[0] += (line.w[1] = (line.w[1] - line.w[0]) * invDeltaX) * subPixel; u32 i; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { line.c[i][1] = (line.c[i][1] - line.c[i][0]) * invDeltaX; line.c[i][0] += line.c[i][1] * subPixel; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { line.t[i][1] = (line.t[i][1] - line.t[i][0]) * invDeltaX; line.t[i][0] += line.t[i][1] * subPixel; } pShader.dst = (tVideoSample*) ( (u8*) RenderTarget->lock() + ( line.y * RenderTarget->getPitch() ) + ( pShader.xStart << VIDEO_SAMPLE_GRANULARITY ) ); pShader.z = (fp24*) ( (u8*) DepthBuffer->lock() + ( line.y * DepthBuffer->getPitch() ) + ( pShader.xStart << VIDEO_SAMPLE_GRANULARITY ) ); for ( pShader.i = 0; pShader.i <= pShader.dx; ++pShader.i ) { if ( depthFunc() ) { depthWrite (); } // advance next pixel line.w[0] += line.w[1]; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { line.c[i][0] += line.c[i][1]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { line.t[i][0] += line.t[i][1]; } } } /*! */ REALINLINE void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::scanline () { u32 i; // apply top-left fill-convention, left pShader.xStart = core::ceil32( line.x[0] ); pShader.xEnd = core::ceil32( line.x[1] ) - 1; pShader.dx = pShader.xEnd - pShader.xStart; if ( pShader.dx < 0 ) return; // slopes const f32 invDeltaX = core::reciprocal ( line.x[1] - line.x[0] ); // search z-buffer for first not occulled pixel pShader.z = (fp24*) ( (u8*) DepthBuffer->lock() + ( line.y * DepthBuffer->getPitch() ) + ( pShader.xStart << VIDEO_SAMPLE_GRANULARITY ) ); // subTexel const f32 subPixel = ( (f32) pShader.xStart ) - line.x[0]; const f32 b = (line.w[1] - line.w[0]) * invDeltaX; f32 a = line.w[0] + ( b * subPixel ); pShader.i = 0; if ( ShaderParam.RenderState [ BD3DRS_ZENABLE ] ) { u32 condition; switch ( ShaderParam.RenderState [ BD3DRS_ZFUNC ] ) { case BD3DCMP_LESSEQUAL: condition = a < pShader.z[pShader.i]; break; case BD3DCMP_EQUAL: condition = a != pShader.z[pShader.i]; break; } while ( a < pShader.z[pShader.i] ) { a += b; pShader.i += 1; if ( pShader.i > pShader.dx ) return; } } // lazy setup rest of scanline line.w[0] = a; line.w[1] = b; pShader.dst = (tVideoSample*) ( (u8*) RenderTarget->lock() + ( line.y * RenderTarget->getPitch() ) + ( pShader.xStart << VIDEO_SAMPLE_GRANULARITY ) ); a = (f32) pShader.i + subPixel; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { line.c[i][1] = (line.c[i][1] - line.c[i][0]) * invDeltaX; line.c[i][0] += line.c[i][1] * a; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { line.t[i][1] = (line.t[i][1] - line.t[i][0]) * invDeltaX; line.t[i][0] += line.t[i][1] * a; } for ( ; pShader.i <= pShader.dx; ++pShader.i ) { if ( line.w[0] >= pShader.z[pShader.i] ) { pShader.z[pShader.i] = line.w[0]; pShader_EMT_LIGHTMAP_M4 (); } line.w[0] += line.w[1]; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { line.c[i][0] += line.c[i][1]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { line.t[i][0] += line.t[i][1]; } } } void CBurningShader_Raster_Reference::drawTriangle ( const s4DVertex *a,const s4DVertex *b,const s4DVertex *c ) { sScanConvertData scan; u32 i; // sort on height, y if ( F32_A_GREATER_B ( a->Pos.y , b->Pos.y ) ) swapVertexPointer(&a, &b); if ( F32_A_GREATER_B ( b->Pos.y , c->Pos.y ) ) swapVertexPointer(&b, &c); if ( F32_A_GREATER_B ( a->Pos.y , b->Pos.y ) ) swapVertexPointer(&a, &b); // calculate delta y of the edges scan.invDeltaY[0] = core::reciprocal ( c->Pos.y - a->Pos.y ); scan.invDeltaY[1] = core::reciprocal ( b->Pos.y - a->Pos.y ); scan.invDeltaY[2] = core::reciprocal ( c->Pos.y - b->Pos.y ); if ( F32_LOWER_EQUAL_0 ( scan.invDeltaY[0] ) ) return; // find if the major edge is left or right aligned f32 temp[4]; temp[0] = a->Pos.x - c->Pos.x; temp[1] = a->Pos.y - c->Pos.y; temp[2] = b->Pos.x - a->Pos.x; temp[3] = b->Pos.y - a->Pos.y; scan.left = ( temp[0] * temp[3] - temp[1] * temp[2] ) > (f32) 0.0 ? 0 : 1; scan.right = 1 - scan.left; // calculate slopes for the major edge scan.slopeX[0] = (c->Pos.x - a->Pos.x) * scan.invDeltaY[0]; scan.x[0] = a->Pos.x; scan.slopeW[0] = (c->Pos.w - a->Pos.w) * scan.invDeltaY[0]; scan.w[0] = a->Pos.w; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][0] = a->Color[i]; scan.slopeC[i][0] = (c->Color[i] - a->Color[i]) * scan.invDeltaY[0]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][0] = a->Tex[i]; scan.slopeT[i][0] = (c->Tex[i] - a->Tex[i]) * scan.invDeltaY[0]; } // top left fill convention y run s32 yStart; s32 yEnd; f32 subPixel; // rasterize upper sub-triangle if ( F32_GREATER_0 ( scan.invDeltaY[1] ) ) { // calculate slopes for top edge scan.slopeX[1] = (b->Pos.x - a->Pos.x) * scan.invDeltaY[1]; scan.x[1] = a->Pos.x; scan.slopeW[1] = (b->Pos.w - a->Pos.w) * scan.invDeltaY[1]; scan.w[1] = a->Pos.w; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][1] = a->Color[i]; scan.slopeC[i][1] = (b->Color[i] - a->Color[i]) * scan.invDeltaY[1]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][1] = a->Tex[i]; scan.slopeT[i][1] = (b->Tex[i] - a->Tex[i]) * scan.invDeltaY[1]; } // apply top-left fill convention, top part yStart = core::ceil32( a->Pos.y ); yEnd = core::ceil32( b->Pos.y ) - 1; subPixel = ( (f32) yStart ) - a->Pos.y; // correct to pixel center scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0] * subPixel; scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1] * subPixel; scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0] * subPixel; scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1] * subPixel; for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][0] += scan.slopeC[i][0] * subPixel; scan.c[i][1] += scan.slopeC[i][1] * subPixel; } for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][0] += scan.slopeT[i][0] * subPixel; scan.t[i][1] += scan.slopeT[i][1] * subPixel; } // rasterize the edge scanlines for( line.y = yStart; line.y <= yEnd; ++line.y) { line.x[scan.left] = scan.x[0]; line.w[scan.left] = scan.w[0]; line.x[scan.right] = scan.x[1]; line.w[scan.right] = scan.w[1]; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { line.c[i][scan.left] = scan.c[i][0]; line.c[i][scan.right] = scan.c[i][1]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { line.t[i][scan.left] = scan.t[i][0]; line.t[i][scan.right] = scan.t[i][1]; } // render a scanline scanline (); scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0]; scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1]; scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0]; scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1]; for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][0] += scan.slopeC[i][0]; scan.c[i][1] += scan.slopeC[i][1]; } for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][0] += scan.slopeT[i][0]; scan.t[i][1] += scan.slopeT[i][1]; } } } // rasterize lower sub-triangle if ( F32_GREATER_0 ( scan.invDeltaY[2] ) ) { // advance to middle point if ( F32_GREATER_0 ( scan.invDeltaY[1] ) ) { temp[0] = b->Pos.y - a->Pos.y; // dy scan.x[0] = a->Pos.x + scan.slopeX[0] * temp[0]; scan.w[0] = a->Pos.w + scan.slopeW[0] * temp[0]; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][0] = a->Color[i] + scan.slopeC[i][0] * temp[0]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][0] = a->Tex[i] + scan.slopeT[i][0] * temp[0]; } } // calculate slopes for bottom edge scan.slopeX[1] = (c->Pos.x - b->Pos.x) * scan.invDeltaY[2]; scan.x[1] = b->Pos.x; scan.slopeW[1] = (c->Pos.w - b->Pos.w) * scan.invDeltaY[2]; scan.w[1] = b->Pos.w; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][1] = b->Color[i]; scan.slopeC[i][1] = (c->Color[i] - b->Color[i]) * scan.invDeltaY[2]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][1] = b->Tex[i]; scan.slopeT[i][1] = (c->Tex[i] - b->Tex[i]) * scan.invDeltaY[2]; } // apply top-left fill convention, top part yStart = core::ceil32( b->Pos.y ); yEnd = core::ceil32( c->Pos.y ) - 1; subPixel = ( (f32) yStart ) - b->Pos.y; // correct to pixel center scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0] * subPixel; scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1] * subPixel; scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0] * subPixel; scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1] * subPixel; for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][0] += scan.slopeC[i][0] * subPixel; scan.c[i][1] += scan.slopeC[i][1] * subPixel; } for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][0] += scan.slopeT[i][0] * subPixel; scan.t[i][1] += scan.slopeT[i][1] * subPixel; } // rasterize the edge scanlines for( line.y = yStart; line.y <= yEnd; ++line.y) { line.x[scan.left] = scan.x[0]; line.w[scan.left] = scan.w[0]; line.x[scan.right] = scan.x[1]; line.w[scan.right] = scan.w[1]; #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.ColorUnits; ++i ) { line.c[i][scan.left] = scan.c[i][0]; line.c[i][scan.right] = scan.c[i][1]; } #endif for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { line.t[i][scan.left] = scan.t[i][0]; line.t[i][scan.right] = scan.t[i][1]; } // render a scanline scanline (); scan.x[0] += scan.slopeX[0]; scan.x[1] += scan.slopeX[1]; scan.w[0] += scan.slopeW[0]; scan.w[1] += scan.slopeW[1]; for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.c[i][0] += scan.slopeC[i][0]; scan.c[i][1] += scan.slopeC[i][1]; } for ( i = 0; i != ShaderParam.TextureUnits; ++i ) { scan.t[i][0] += scan.slopeT[i][0]; scan.t[i][1] += scan.slopeT[i][1]; } } } } } // end namespace video } // end namespace irr namespace irr { namespace video { //! creates a flat triangle renderer IBurningShader* createTriangleRendererReference(CBurningVideoDriver* driver) { return new CBurningShader_Raster_Reference(driver); } } // end namespace video } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_BURNINGSVIDEO_
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