Version Originale

./aip/1.8aipmod/source/Irrlicht/CMY3DMeshFileLoader.h :

// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt

// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".

// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


// This file was originally written by ZDimitor.

// I (Nikolaus Gebhardt) did some few changes to this:

// - replaced logging calls to their os:: counterparts

// - removed some logging calls

// - enabled image dropping of CImage again, because that bug has been fixed now

// - removed setTexture path and replaced it with the directory of the mesh

// - added EAMT_MY3D file type

// - fixed a memory leak when decompressing RLE data.

// - cleaned multi character constant problems with gcc

// - removed octree child scene node generation because irrlicht is now able to draw

//   scene nodes with transparent and sold materials in them at the same time. (see changes.txt)

// Thanks a lot to ZDimitor for his work on this and that he gave me

// his permission to add it into Irrlicht.


// This tool created by ZDimitor everyone can use it as wants



#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000


#include "IMeshLoader.h"
#include "SMesh.h"
#include "SMeshBufferLightMap.h"
#include "IFileSystem.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"

namespace irr
namespace scene


// byte-align structures

#if defined(_MSC_VER) ||  defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__)
#   pragma pack( push, packing )
#   pragma pack( 1 )
#   define PACK_STRUCT
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
#   define PACK_STRUCT  __attribute__((packed))
#   error compiler not supported

struct SMyColor
{   SMyColor () {;}
    SMyColor (s32 __R, s32 __G, s32 __B, s32 __A)
        : R(__R), G(__G), B(__B), A(__A) {}
    s32 R, G, B, A;

// material header

struct SMyMaterialHeader
{   c8  Name[256];           // material name

    u32 Index;
    SMyColor AmbientColor;
    SMyColor DiffuseColor;
    SMyColor EmissiveColor;
    SMyColor SpecularColor;
    f32 Shininess;
    f32 Transparency;
    u32 TextureCount;        // texture count


// Default alignment

#if defined(_MSC_VER) ||  defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__)
#   pragma pack( pop, packing )

class CMY3DMeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader
	CMY3DMeshFileLoader(ISceneManager *scmgr, io::IFileSystem* fs);
	virtual ~CMY3DMeshFileLoader();

	virtual bool isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const;

	virtual IAnimatedMesh* createMesh(io::IReadFile* file);

	//! getting access to the nodes (with transparent material), creating

	//! while loading .my3d file

	const core::array<ISceneNode*>& getChildNodes() const;


	video::ITexture* readEmbeddedLightmap(io::IReadFile* file, char* namebuf);

	scene::ISceneManager* SceneManager;
	io::IFileSystem* FileSystem;

	struct SMyMaterialEntry
		SMyMaterialEntry ()
		: Texture1FileName("null"), Texture2FileName("null"),
		Texture1(0), Texture2(0), MaterialType(video::EMT_SOLID) {}

		SMyMaterialHeader Header;
		core::stringc Texture1FileName;
		core::stringc Texture2FileName;
		video::ITexture *Texture1;
		video::ITexture *Texture2;
		video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE MaterialType;

	struct SMyMeshBufferEntry
		SMyMeshBufferEntry() : MaterialIndex(-1), MeshBuffer(0) {}
		SMyMeshBufferEntry(s32 mi, SMeshBufferLightMap* mb)
			: MaterialIndex(mi), MeshBuffer(mb) {}

		s32 MaterialIndex;
		SMeshBufferLightMap* MeshBuffer;

	SMyMaterialEntry*    getMaterialEntryByIndex     (u32 matInd);
	SMeshBufferLightMap* getMeshBufferByMaterialIndex(u32 matInd);

	core::array<SMyMaterialEntry>   MaterialEntry;
	core::array<SMyMeshBufferEntry> MeshBufferEntry;

	core::array<ISceneNode*> ChildNodes;

} // end namespace scene

} // end namespace irr


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