// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_OBJ_LOADER_ #include "COBJMeshFileLoader.h" #include "IMeshManipulator.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "SMesh.h" #include "SMeshBuffer.h" #include "SAnimatedMesh.h" #include "IReadFile.h" #include "IAttributes.h" #include "fast_atof.h" #include "coreutil.h" #include "os.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { #ifdef _DEBUG #define _IRR_DEBUG_OBJ_LOADER_ #endif static const u32 WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH = 512; //! Constructor COBJMeshFileLoader::COBJMeshFileLoader(scene::ISceneManager* smgr, io::IFileSystem* fs) : SceneManager(smgr), FileSystem(fs) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("COBJMeshFileLoader"); #endif if (FileSystem) FileSystem->grab(); } //! destructor COBJMeshFileLoader::~COBJMeshFileLoader() { if (FileSystem) FileSystem->drop(); } //! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class //! based on the file extension (e.g. ".bsp") bool COBJMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const { return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "obj" ); } //! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file. //! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed. //! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop(). //! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. IAnimatedMesh* COBJMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file) { const long filesize = file->getSize(); if (!filesize) return 0; const u32 WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH = 512; core::array<core::vector3df> vertexBuffer; core::array<core::vector3df> normalsBuffer; core::array<core::vector2df> textureCoordBuffer; SObjMtl * currMtl = new SObjMtl(); Materials.push_back(currMtl); u32 smoothingGroup=0; const io::path fullName = file->getFileName(); const io::path relPath = FileSystem->getFileDir(fullName)+"/"; c8* buf = new c8[filesize]; memset(buf, 0, filesize); file->read((void*)buf, filesize); const c8* const bufEnd = buf+filesize; // Process obj information const c8* bufPtr = buf; core::stringc grpName, mtlName; bool mtlChanged=false; bool useGroups = !SceneManager->getParameters()->getAttributeAsBool(OBJ_LOADER_IGNORE_GROUPS); bool useMaterials = !SceneManager->getParameters()->getAttributeAsBool(OBJ_LOADER_IGNORE_MATERIAL_FILES); while(bufPtr != bufEnd) { switch(bufPtr[0]) { case 'm': // mtllib (material) { if (useMaterials) { c8 name[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(name, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_OBJ_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Reading material file",name); #endif readMTL(name, relPath); } } break; case 'v': // v, vn, vt switch(bufPtr[1]) { case ' ': // vertex { core::vector3df vec; bufPtr = readVec3(bufPtr, vec, bufEnd); vertexBuffer.push_back(vec); } break; case 'n': // normal { core::vector3df vec; bufPtr = readVec3(bufPtr, vec, bufEnd); normalsBuffer.push_back(vec); } break; case 't': // texcoord { core::vector2df vec; bufPtr = readUV(bufPtr, vec, bufEnd); textureCoordBuffer.push_back(vec); } break; } break; case 'g': // group name { c8 grp[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(grp, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_OBJ_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Loaded group start",grp); #endif if (useGroups) { if (0 != grp[0]) grpName = grp; else grpName = "default"; } mtlChanged=true; } break; case 's': // smoothing can be a group or off (equiv. to 0) { c8 smooth[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(smooth, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_OBJ_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Loaded smoothing group start",smooth); #endif if (core::stringc("off")==smooth) smoothingGroup=0; else smoothingGroup=core::strtol10(smooth, 0); } break; case 'u': // usemtl // get name of material { c8 matName[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(matName, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_OBJ_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Loaded material start",matName); #endif mtlName=matName; mtlChanged=true; } break; case 'f': // face { c8 vertexWord[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; // for retrieving vertex data video::S3DVertex v; // Assign vertex color from currently active material's diffuse colour if (mtlChanged) { // retrieve the material SObjMtl *useMtl = findMtl(mtlName, grpName); // only change material if we found it if (useMtl) currMtl = useMtl; mtlChanged=false; } if (currMtl) v.Color = currMtl->Meshbuffer->Material.DiffuseColor; // get all vertices data in this face (current line of obj file) const core::stringc wordBuffer = copyLine(bufPtr, bufEnd); const c8* linePtr = wordBuffer.c_str(); const c8* const endPtr = linePtr+wordBuffer.size(); core::array<int> faceCorners; faceCorners.reallocate(32); // should be large enough // read in all vertices linePtr = goNextWord(linePtr, endPtr); while (0 != linePtr[0]) { // Array to communicate with retrieveVertexIndices() // sends the buffer sizes and gets the actual indices // if index not set returns -1 s32 Idx[3]; Idx[1] = Idx[2] = -1; // read in next vertex's data u32 wlength = copyWord(vertexWord, linePtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); // this function will also convert obj's 1-based index to c++'s 0-based index retrieveVertexIndices(vertexWord, Idx, vertexWord+wlength+1, vertexBuffer.size(), textureCoordBuffer.size(), normalsBuffer.size()); v.Pos = vertexBuffer[Idx[0]]; if ( -1 != Idx[1] ) v.TCoords = textureCoordBuffer[Idx[1]]; else v.TCoords.set(0.0f,0.0f); if ( -1 != Idx[2] ) v.Normal = normalsBuffer[Idx[2]]; else { v.Normal.set(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); currMtl->RecalculateNormals=true; } int vertLocation; core::map<video::S3DVertex, int>::Node* n = currMtl->VertMap.find(v); if (n) { vertLocation = n->getValue(); } else { currMtl->Meshbuffer->Vertices.push_back(v); vertLocation = currMtl->Meshbuffer->Vertices.size() -1; currMtl->VertMap.insert(v, vertLocation); } faceCorners.push_back(vertLocation); // go to next vertex linePtr = goNextWord(linePtr, endPtr); } // triangulate the face for ( u32 i = 1; i < faceCorners.size() - 1; ++i ) { // Add a triangle currMtl->Meshbuffer->Indices.push_back( faceCorners[i+1] ); currMtl->Meshbuffer->Indices.push_back( faceCorners[i] ); currMtl->Meshbuffer->Indices.push_back( faceCorners[0] ); } faceCorners.set_used(0); // fast clear faceCorners.reallocate(32); } break; case '#': // comment default: break; } // end switch(bufPtr[0]) // eat up rest of line bufPtr = goNextLine(bufPtr, bufEnd); } // end while(bufPtr && (bufPtr-buf<filesize)) SMesh* mesh = new SMesh(); // Combine all the groups (meshbuffers) into the mesh for ( u32 m = 0; m < Materials.size(); ++m ) { if ( Materials[m]->Meshbuffer->getIndexCount() > 0 ) { Materials[m]->Meshbuffer->recalculateBoundingBox(); if (Materials[m]->RecalculateNormals) SceneManager->getMeshManipulator()->recalculateNormals(Materials[m]->Meshbuffer); if (Materials[m]->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialType == video::EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID) { SMesh tmp; tmp.addMeshBuffer(Materials[m]->Meshbuffer); IMesh* tangentMesh = SceneManager->getMeshManipulator()->createMeshWithTangents(&tmp); mesh->addMeshBuffer(tangentMesh->getMeshBuffer(0)); tangentMesh->drop(); } else mesh->addMeshBuffer( Materials[m]->Meshbuffer ); } } // Create the Animated mesh if there's anything in the mesh SAnimatedMesh* animMesh = 0; if ( 0 != mesh->getMeshBufferCount() ) { mesh->recalculateBoundingBox(); animMesh = new SAnimatedMesh(); animMesh->Type = EAMT_OBJ; animMesh->addMesh(mesh); animMesh->recalculateBoundingBox(); } // Clean up the allocate obj file contents delete [] buf; // more cleaning up cleanUp(); mesh->drop(); return animMesh; } const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::readTextures(const c8* bufPtr, const c8* const bufEnd, SObjMtl* currMaterial, const io::path& relPath) { u8 type=0; // map_Kd - diffuse color texture map // map_Ks - specular color texture map // map_Ka - ambient color texture map // map_Ns - shininess texture map if ((!strncmp(bufPtr,"map_bump",8)) || (!strncmp(bufPtr,"bump",4))) type=1; // normal map else if ((!strncmp(bufPtr,"map_d",5)) || (!strncmp(bufPtr,"map_opacity",11))) type=2; // opacity map else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"map_refl",8)) type=3; // reflection map // extract new material's name c8 textureNameBuf[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); f32 bumpiness = 6.0f; bool clamp = false; // handle options while (textureNameBuf[0]=='-') { if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-bm",3)) { bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialTypeParam=core::fast_atof(textureNameBuf); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); continue; } else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-blendu",7)) bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-blendv",7)) bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-cc",3)) bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-clamp",6)) bufPtr = readBool(bufPtr, clamp, bufEnd); else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-texres",7)) bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-type",5)) bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-mm",3)) { bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); } else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-o",2)) // texture coord translation { bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); // next parameters are optional, so skip rest of loop if no number is found bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); if (!core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0])) continue; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); if (!core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0])) continue; } else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-s",2)) // texture coord scale { bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); // next parameters are optional, so skip rest of loop if no number is found bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); if (!core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0])) continue; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); if (!core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0])) continue; } else if (!strncmp(bufPtr,"-t",2)) { bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); // next parameters are optional, so skip rest of loop if no number is found bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); if (!core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0])) continue; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); if (!core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0])) continue; } // get next word bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); } if ((type==1) && (core::isdigit(textureNameBuf[0]))) { currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialTypeParam=core::fast_atof(textureNameBuf); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(textureNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); } if (clamp) currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.setFlag(video::EMF_TEXTURE_WRAP, video::ETC_CLAMP); io::path texname(textureNameBuf); texname.replace('\\', '/'); video::ITexture * texture = 0; bool newTexture=false; if (texname.size()) { io::path texnameWithUserPath( SceneManager->getParameters()->getAttributeAsString(OBJ_TEXTURE_PATH) ); if ( texnameWithUserPath.size() ) { texnameWithUserPath += '/'; texnameWithUserPath += texname; } if (FileSystem->existFile(texnameWithUserPath)) texture = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->getTexture(texnameWithUserPath); else if (FileSystem->existFile(texname)) { newTexture = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->findTexture(texname) == 0; texture = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->getTexture(texname); } else { newTexture = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->findTexture(relPath + texname) == 0; // try to read in the relative path, the .obj is loaded from texture = SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->getTexture( relPath + texname ); } } if ( texture ) { if (type==0) currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.setTexture(0, texture); else if (type==1) { if (newTexture) SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->makeNormalMapTexture(texture, bumpiness); currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.setTexture(1, texture); currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialType=video::EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID; currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialTypeParam=0.035f; } else if (type==2) { currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.setTexture(0, texture); currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialType=video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR; } else if (type==3) { // currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.Textures[1] = texture; // currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialType=video::EMT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER; } // Set diffuse material colour to white so as not to affect texture colour // Because Maya set diffuse colour Kd to black when you use a diffuse colour map // But is this the right thing to do? currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.DiffuseColor.set( currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.DiffuseColor.getAlpha(), 255, 255, 255 ); } return bufPtr; } void COBJMeshFileLoader::readMTL(const c8* fileName, const io::path& relPath) { const io::path realFile(fileName); io::IReadFile * mtlReader; if (FileSystem->existFile(realFile)) mtlReader = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(realFile); else if (FileSystem->existFile(relPath + realFile)) mtlReader = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(relPath + realFile); else if (FileSystem->existFile(FileSystem->getFileBasename(realFile))) mtlReader = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(FileSystem->getFileBasename(realFile)); else mtlReader = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(relPath + FileSystem->getFileBasename(realFile)); if (!mtlReader) // fail to open and read file { os::Printer::log("Could not open material file", realFile, ELL_WARNING); return; } const long filesize = mtlReader->getSize(); if (!filesize) { os::Printer::log("Skipping empty material file", realFile, ELL_WARNING); mtlReader->drop(); return; } c8* buf = new c8[filesize]; mtlReader->read((void*)buf, filesize); const c8* bufEnd = buf+filesize; SObjMtl* currMaterial = 0; const c8* bufPtr = buf; while(bufPtr != bufEnd) { switch(*bufPtr) { case 'n': // newmtl { // if there's an existing material, store it first if ( currMaterial ) Materials.push_back( currMaterial ); // extract new material's name c8 mtlNameBuf[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(mtlNameBuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); currMaterial = new SObjMtl; currMaterial->Name = mtlNameBuf; } break; case 'i': // illum - illumination if ( currMaterial ) { const u32 COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH = 16; c8 illumStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(illumStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); currMaterial->Illumination = (c8)atol(illumStr); } break; case 'N': if ( currMaterial ) { switch(bufPtr[1]) { case 's': // Ns - shininess { const u32 COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH = 16; c8 nsStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(nsStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); f32 shininessValue = core::fast_atof(nsStr); // wavefront shininess is from [0, 1000], so scale for OpenGL shininessValue *= 0.128f; currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.Shininess = shininessValue; } break; case 'i': // Ni - refraction index { c8 tmpbuf[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(tmpbuf, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); } break; } } break; case 'K': if ( currMaterial ) { switch(bufPtr[1]) { case 'd': // Kd = diffuse { bufPtr = readColor(bufPtr, currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.DiffuseColor, bufEnd); } break; case 's': // Ks = specular { bufPtr = readColor(bufPtr, currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.SpecularColor, bufEnd); } break; case 'a': // Ka = ambience { bufPtr=readColor(bufPtr, currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.AmbientColor, bufEnd); } break; case 'e': // Ke = emissive { bufPtr=readColor(bufPtr, currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.EmissiveColor, bufEnd); } break; } // end switch(bufPtr[1]) } // end case 'K': if ( 0 != currMaterial )... break; case 'b': // bump case 'm': // texture maps if (currMaterial) { bufPtr=readTextures(bufPtr, bufEnd, currMaterial, relPath); } break; case 'd': // d - transparency if ( currMaterial ) { const u32 COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH = 16; c8 dStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(dStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); f32 dValue = core::fast_atof(dStr); currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.DiffuseColor.setAlpha( (s32)(dValue * 255) ); if (dValue<1.0f) currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA; } break; case 'T': if ( currMaterial ) { switch ( bufPtr[1] ) { case 'f': // Tf - Transmitivity const u32 COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH = 16; c8 redStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; c8 greenStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; c8 blueStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(redStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(greenStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(blueStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); f32 transparency = ( core::fast_atof(redStr) + core::fast_atof(greenStr) + core::fast_atof(blueStr) ) / 3; currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.DiffuseColor.setAlpha( (s32)(transparency * 255) ); if (transparency < 1.0f) currMaterial->Meshbuffer->Material.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA; } } break; default: // comments or not recognised break; } // end switch(bufPtr[0]) // go to next line bufPtr = goNextLine(bufPtr, bufEnd); } // end while (bufPtr) // end of file. if there's an existing material, store it if ( currMaterial ) Materials.push_back( currMaterial ); delete [] buf; mtlReader->drop(); } //! Read RGB color const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::readColor(const c8* bufPtr, video::SColor& color, const c8* const bufEnd) { const u32 COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH = 16; c8 colStr[COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; color.setAlpha(255); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(colStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); color.setRed((s32)(core::fast_atof(colStr) * 255.0f)); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(colStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); color.setGreen((s32)(core::fast_atof(colStr) * 255.0f)); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(colStr, bufPtr, COLOR_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); color.setBlue((s32)(core::fast_atof(colStr) * 255.0f)); return bufPtr; } //! Read 3d vector of floats const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::readVec3(const c8* bufPtr, core::vector3df& vec, const c8* const bufEnd) { const u32 WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH = 256; c8 wordBuffer[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(wordBuffer, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); vec.X=-core::fast_atof(wordBuffer); // change handedness bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(wordBuffer, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); vec.Y=core::fast_atof(wordBuffer); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(wordBuffer, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); vec.Z=core::fast_atof(wordBuffer); return bufPtr; } //! Read 2d vector of floats const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::readUV(const c8* bufPtr, core::vector2df& vec, const c8* const bufEnd) { const u32 WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH = 256; c8 wordBuffer[WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(wordBuffer, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); vec.X=core::fast_atof(wordBuffer); bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(wordBuffer, bufPtr, WORD_BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); vec.Y=1-core::fast_atof(wordBuffer); // change handedness return bufPtr; } //! Read boolean value represented as 'on' or 'off' const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::readBool(const c8* bufPtr, bool& tf, const c8* const bufEnd) { const u32 BUFFER_LENGTH = 8; c8 tfStr[BUFFER_LENGTH]; bufPtr = goAndCopyNextWord(tfStr, bufPtr, BUFFER_LENGTH, bufEnd); tf = strcmp(tfStr, "off") != 0; return bufPtr; } COBJMeshFileLoader::SObjMtl* COBJMeshFileLoader::findMtl(const core::stringc& mtlName, const core::stringc& grpName) { COBJMeshFileLoader::SObjMtl* defMaterial = 0; // search existing Materials for best match // exact match does return immediately, only name match means a new group for (u32 i = 0; i < Materials.size(); ++i) { if ( Materials[i]->Name == mtlName ) { if ( Materials[i]->Group == grpName ) return Materials[i]; else defMaterial = Materials[i]; } } // we found a partial match if (defMaterial) { Materials.push_back(new SObjMtl(*defMaterial)); Materials.getLast()->Group = grpName; return Materials.getLast(); } // we found a new group for a non-existant material else if (grpName.size()) { Materials.push_back(new SObjMtl(*Materials[0])); Materials.getLast()->Group = grpName; return Materials.getLast(); } return 0; } //! skip space characters and stop on first non-space const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::goFirstWord(const c8* buf, const c8* const bufEnd, bool acrossNewlines) { // skip space characters if (acrossNewlines) while((buf != bufEnd) && core::isspace(*buf)) ++buf; else while((buf != bufEnd) && core::isspace(*buf) && (*buf != '\n')) ++buf; return buf; } //! skip current word and stop at beginning of next one const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::goNextWord(const c8* buf, const c8* const bufEnd, bool acrossNewlines) { // skip current word while(( buf != bufEnd ) && !core::isspace(*buf)) ++buf; return goFirstWord(buf, bufEnd, acrossNewlines); } //! Read until line break is reached and stop at the next non-space character const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::goNextLine(const c8* buf, const c8* const bufEnd) { // look for newline characters while(buf != bufEnd) { // found it, so leave if (*buf=='\n' || *buf=='\r') break; ++buf; } return goFirstWord(buf, bufEnd); } u32 COBJMeshFileLoader::copyWord(c8* outBuf, const c8* const inBuf, u32 outBufLength, const c8* const bufEnd) { if (!outBufLength) return 0; if (!inBuf) { *outBuf = 0; return 0; } u32 i = 0; while(inBuf[i]) { if (core::isspace(inBuf[i]) || &(inBuf[i]) == bufEnd) break; ++i; } u32 length = core::min_(i, outBufLength-1); for (u32 j=0; j<length; ++j) outBuf[j] = inBuf[j]; outBuf[length] = 0; return length; } core::stringc COBJMeshFileLoader::copyLine(const c8* inBuf, const c8* bufEnd) { if (!inBuf) return core::stringc(); const c8* ptr = inBuf; while (ptr<bufEnd) { if (*ptr=='\n' || *ptr=='\r') break; ++ptr; } return core::stringc(inBuf, (u32)(ptr-inBuf+1)); } const c8* COBJMeshFileLoader::goAndCopyNextWord(c8* outBuf, const c8* inBuf, u32 outBufLength, const c8* bufEnd) { inBuf = goNextWord(inBuf, bufEnd, false); copyWord(outBuf, inBuf, outBufLength, bufEnd); return inBuf; } bool COBJMeshFileLoader::retrieveVertexIndices(c8* vertexData, s32* idx, const c8* bufEnd, u32 vbsize, u32 vtsize, u32 vnsize) { c8 word[16] = ""; const c8* p = goFirstWord(vertexData, bufEnd); u32 idxType = 0; // 0 = posIdx, 1 = texcoordIdx, 2 = normalIdx u32 i = 0; while ( p != bufEnd ) { if ( ( core::isdigit(*p)) || (*p == '-') ) { // build up the number word[i++] = *p; } else if ( *p == '/' || *p == ' ' || *p == '\0' ) { // number is completed. Convert and store it word[i] = '\0'; // if no number was found index will become 0 and later on -1 by decrement if (word[0]=='-') { idx[idxType] = core::strtol10(word+1,0); idx[idxType] *= -1; switch (idxType) { case 0: idx[idxType] += vbsize; break; case 1: idx[idxType] += vtsize; break; case 2: idx[idxType] += vnsize; break; } } else idx[idxType] = core::strtol10(word,0)-1; // reset the word word[0] = '\0'; i = 0; // go to the next kind of index type if (*p == '/') { if ( ++idxType > 2 ) { // error checking, shouldn't reach here unless file is wrong idxType = 0; } } else { // set all missing values to disable (=-1) while (++idxType < 3) idx[idxType]=-1; ++p; break; // while } } // go to the next char ++p; } return true; } void COBJMeshFileLoader::cleanUp() { for (u32 i=0; i < Materials.size(); ++i ) { Materials[i]->Meshbuffer->drop(); delete Materials[i]; } Materials.clear(); } } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_OBJ_LOADER_
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