// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h // orginally written by Christian Stehno, modified by Nikolaus Gebhardt #ifndef __C_OGRE_MESH_FILE_LOADER_H_INCLUDED__ #define __C_OGRE_MESH_FILE_LOADER_H_INCLUDED__ #include "IMeshLoader.h" #include "IFileSystem.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "irrString.h" #include "SMesh.h" #include "SMeshBuffer.h" #include "SMeshBufferLightMap.h" #include "IMeshManipulator.h" #include "matrix4.h" #include "quaternion.h" #include "CSkinnedMesh.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { //! Meshloader capable of loading ogre meshes. class COgreMeshFileLoader : public IMeshLoader { public: //! Constructor COgreMeshFileLoader(io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* driver); //! destructor virtual ~COgreMeshFileLoader(); //! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class //! based on the file extension (e.g. ".cob") virtual bool isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const; //! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file. //! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed. //! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop(). //! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. virtual IAnimatedMesh* createMesh(io::IReadFile* file); private: // byte-align structures #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) # pragma pack( push, packing ) # pragma pack( 1 ) # define PACK_STRUCT #elif defined( __GNUC__ ) # define PACK_STRUCT __attribute__((packed)) #else # error compiler not supported #endif struct ChunkHeader { u16 id; u32 length; } PACK_STRUCT; // Default alignment #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined (__BCPLUSPLUS__) # pragma pack( pop, packing ) #endif #undef PACK_STRUCT struct ChunkData { ChunkData() : read(0) {} ChunkHeader header; u32 read; }; struct OgreTexture { OgreTexture() : Filename("") {} core::stringc Filename; core::stringc Alias; core::stringc CoordsType; core::stringc MipMaps; core::stringc Alpha; }; struct OgrePass { OgrePass() : AmbientTokenColor(false), DiffuseTokenColor(false), SpecularTokenColor(false), EmissiveTokenColor(false), MaxLights(8), PointSize(1.0f), PointSprites(false), PointSizeMin(0), PointSizeMax(0) {} video::SMaterial Material; OgreTexture Texture; bool AmbientTokenColor; bool DiffuseTokenColor; bool SpecularTokenColor; bool EmissiveTokenColor; u32 MaxLights; f32 PointSize; bool PointSprites; u32 PointSizeMin; u32 PointSizeMax; }; struct OgreTechnique { OgreTechnique() : Name(""), LODIndex(0) {} core::stringc Name; core::stringc Scheme; u16 LODIndex; core::array<OgrePass> Passes; }; struct OgreMaterial { OgreMaterial() : Name(""), ReceiveShadows(true), TransparencyCastsShadows(false) {} core::stringc Name; bool ReceiveShadows; bool TransparencyCastsShadows; core::array<f32> LODDistances; core::array<OgreTechnique> Techniques; }; struct OgreVertexBuffer { OgreVertexBuffer() : BindIndex(0), VertexSize(0), Data(0) {} u16 BindIndex; u16 VertexSize; core::array<f32> Data; }; struct OgreVertexElement { u16 Source, Type, Semantic, Offset, Index; }; struct OgreGeometry { s32 NumVertex; core::array<OgreVertexElement> Elements; core::array<OgreVertexBuffer> Buffers; core::array<core::vector3df> Vertices; core::array<core::vector3df> Normals; core::array<s32> Colors; core::array<core::vector2df> TexCoords; }; struct OgreTextureAlias { OgreTextureAlias() {}; OgreTextureAlias(const core::stringc& a, const core::stringc& b) : Texture(a), Alias(b) {}; core::stringc Texture; core::stringc Alias; }; struct OgreBoneAssignment { s32 VertexID; u16 BoneID; f32 Weight; }; struct OgreSubMesh { core::stringc Material; bool SharedVertices; core::array<s32> Indices; OgreGeometry Geometry; u16 Operation; core::array<OgreTextureAlias> TextureAliases; core::array<OgreBoneAssignment> BoneAssignments; bool Indices32Bit; }; struct OgreMesh { bool SkeletalAnimation; OgreGeometry Geometry; core::array<OgreSubMesh> SubMeshes; core::array<OgreBoneAssignment> BoneAssignments; core::vector3df BBoxMinEdge; core::vector3df BBoxMaxEdge; f32 BBoxRadius; }; struct OgreBone { core::stringc Name; core::vector3df Position; core::quaternion Orientation; core::vector3df Scale; u16 Handle; u16 Parent; }; struct OgreKeyframe { u16 BoneID; f32 Time; core::vector3df Position; core::quaternion Orientation; core::vector3df Scale; }; struct OgreAnimation { core::stringc Name; f32 Length; core::array<OgreKeyframe> Keyframes; }; struct OgreSkeleton { core::array<OgreBone> Bones; core::array<OgreAnimation> Animations; }; bool readChunk(io::IReadFile* file); bool readObjectChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& parent, OgreMesh& mesh); bool readGeometry(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& parent, OgreGeometry& geometry); bool readVertexDeclaration(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& parent, OgreGeometry& geometry); bool readVertexBuffer(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& parent, OgreGeometry& geometry); bool readSubMesh(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& parent, OgreSubMesh& subMesh); void readChunkData(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data); void readString(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, core::stringc& out); void readBool(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, bool& out); void readInt(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, s32* out, u32 num=1); void readShort(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, u16* out, u32 num=1); void readFloat(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, f32* out, u32 num=1); void readVector(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, core::vector3df& out); void readQuaternion(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, core::quaternion& out); void composeMeshBufferMaterial(scene::IMeshBuffer* mb, const core::stringc& materialName); scene::SMeshBuffer* composeMeshBuffer(const core::array<s32>& indices, const OgreGeometry& geom); scene::SMeshBufferLightMap* composeMeshBufferLightMap(const core::array<s32>& indices, const OgreGeometry& geom); scene::IMeshBuffer* composeMeshBufferSkinned(scene::CSkinnedMesh& mesh, const core::array<s32>& indices, const OgreGeometry& geom); void composeObject(void); bool readColor(io::IReadFile* meshFile, video::SColor& col); void getMaterialToken(io::IReadFile* file, core::stringc& token, bool noNewLine=false); void readTechnique(io::IReadFile* meshFile, OgreMaterial& mat); void readPass(io::IReadFile* file, OgreTechnique& technique); void loadMaterials(io::IReadFile* file); bool loadSkeleton(io::IReadFile* meshFile, const core::stringc& name); void clearMeshes(); io::IFileSystem* FileSystem; video::IVideoDriver* Driver; core::stringc Version; bool SwapEndian; core::array<OgreMesh> Meshes; io::path CurrentlyLoadingFromPath; core::array<OgreMaterial> Materials; OgreSkeleton Skeleton; IMesh* Mesh; u32 NumUV; }; } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif
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