// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __C_Q3_LEVEL_MESH_H_INCLUDED__ #define __C_Q3_LEVEL_MESH_H_INCLUDED__ #include "IQ3LevelMesh.h" #include "IReadFile.h" #include "IFileSystem.h" #include "SMesh.h" #include "SMeshBufferLightMap.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "irrString.h" #include "ISceneManager.h" #include "os.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { class CQ3LevelMesh : public IQ3LevelMesh { public: //! constructor CQ3LevelMesh(io::IFileSystem* fs, scene::ISceneManager* smgr, const quake3::Q3LevelLoadParameter &loadParam); //! destructor virtual ~CQ3LevelMesh(); //! loads a level from a .bsp-File. Also tries to load all //! needed textures. Returns true if successful. bool loadFile(io::IReadFile* file); //! returns the amount of frames in milliseconds. If the amount //! is 1, it is a static (=non animated) mesh. virtual u32 getFrameCount() const; //! returns the animated mesh based on a detail level. 0 is the //! lowest, 255 the highest detail. Note, that some Meshes will //! ignore the detail level. virtual IMesh* getMesh(s32 frameInMs, s32 detailLevel=255, s32 startFrameLoop=-1, s32 endFrameLoop=-1); //! Returns an axis aligned bounding box of the mesh. //! \return A bounding box of this mesh is returned. virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const; virtual void setBoundingBox( const core::aabbox3df& box); //! Returns the type of the animated mesh. virtual E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE getMeshType() const; //! loads the shader definition virtual void getShader( io::IReadFile* file ); //! loads the shader definition virtual const quake3::IShader * getShader( const c8 * filename, bool fileNameIsValid=true ); //! returns a already loaded Shader virtual const quake3::IShader * getShader( u32 index ) const; //! loads a configuration file virtual void getConfiguration( io::IReadFile* file ); //! get's an interface to the entities virtual quake3::tQ3EntityList & getEntityList(); //Link to held meshes? ... //! returns amount of mesh buffers. virtual u32 getMeshBufferCount() const { return 0; } //! returns pointer to a mesh buffer virtual IMeshBuffer* getMeshBuffer(u32 nr) const { return 0; } //! Returns pointer to a mesh buffer which fits a material /** \param material: material to search for \return Pointer to the mesh buffer or 0 if there is no such mesh buffer. */ virtual IMeshBuffer* getMeshBuffer( const video::SMaterial &material) const { return 0; } virtual void setMaterialFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newvalue) { return; } //! set the hardware mapping hint, for driver virtual void setHardwareMappingHint(E_HARDWARE_MAPPING newMappingHint, E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX) { return; } //! flags the meshbuffer as changed, reloads hardware buffers virtual void setDirty(E_BUFFER_TYPE buffer=EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX) { return; } private: void constructMesh(); void solveTJunction(); void loadTextures(); struct STexShader { video::ITexture* Texture; s32 ShaderID; }; core::array< STexShader > Tex; core::array<video::ITexture*> Lightmap; enum eLumps { kEntities = 0, // Stores player/object positions, etc... kShaders = 1, // Stores texture information kPlanes = 2, // Stores the splitting planes kNodes = 3, // Stores the BSP nodes kLeafs = 4, // Stores the leafs of the nodes kLeafFaces = 5, // Stores the leaf's indices into the faces kLeafBrushes = 6, // Stores the leaf's indices into the brushes kModels = 7, // Stores the info of world models kBrushes = 8, // Stores the brushes info (for collision) kBrushSides = 9, // Stores the brush surfaces info kVertices = 10, // Stores the level vertices kMeshVerts = 11, // Stores the model vertices offsets kFogs = 12, // Stores the shader files (blending, anims..) kFaces = 13, // Stores the faces for the level kLightmaps = 14, // Stores the lightmaps for the level kLightGrid = 15, // Stores extra world lighting information kVisData = 16, // Stores PVS and cluster info (visibility) kLightArray = 17, // RBSP kMaxLumps // A constant to store the number of lumps }; enum eBspSurfaceType { BSP_MST_BAD, BSP_MST_PLANAR, BSP_MST_PATCH, BSP_MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP, BSP_MST_FLARE, BSP_MST_FOLIAGE }; struct tBSPHeader { s32 strID; // This should always be 'IBSP' s32 version; // This should be 0x2e for Quake 3 files }; tBSPHeader header; struct tBSPLump { s32 offset; s32 length; }; struct tBSPVertex { f32 vPosition[3]; // (x, y, z) position. f32 vTextureCoord[2]; // (u, v) texture coordinate f32 vLightmapCoord[2]; // (u, v) lightmap coordinate f32 vNormal[3]; // (x, y, z) normal vector u8 color[4]; // RGBA color for the vertex }; struct tBSPFace { s32 textureID; // The index into the texture array s32 fogNum; // The index for the effects (or -1 = n/a) s32 type; // 1=polygon, 2=patch, 3=mesh, 4=billboard s32 vertexIndex; // The index into this face's first vertex s32 numOfVerts; // The number of vertices for this face s32 meshVertIndex; // The index into the first meshvertex s32 numMeshVerts; // The number of mesh vertices s32 lightmapID; // The texture index for the lightmap s32 lMapCorner[2]; // The face's lightmap corner in the image s32 lMapSize[2]; // The size of the lightmap section f32 lMapPos[3]; // The 3D origin of lightmap. f32 lMapBitsets[2][3]; // The 3D space for s and t unit vectors. f32 vNormal[3]; // The face normal. s32 size[2]; // The bezier patch dimensions. }; struct tBSPTexture { c8 strName[64]; // The name of the texture w/o the extension u32 flags; // The surface flags (unknown) u32 contents; // The content flags (unknown) }; struct tBSPLightmap { u8 imageBits[128][128][3]; // The RGB data in a 128x128 image }; struct tBSPNode { s32 plane; // The index into the planes array s32 front; // The child index for the front node s32 back; // The child index for the back node s32 mins[3]; // The bounding box min position. s32 maxs[3]; // The bounding box max position. }; struct tBSPLeaf { s32 cluster; // The visibility cluster s32 area; // The area portal s32 mins[3]; // The bounding box min position s32 maxs[3]; // The bounding box max position s32 leafface; // The first index into the face array s32 numOfLeafFaces; // The number of faces for this leaf s32 leafBrush; // The first index for into the brushes s32 numOfLeafBrushes; // The number of brushes for this leaf }; struct tBSPPlane { f32 vNormal[3]; // Plane normal. f32 d; // The plane distance from origin }; struct tBSPVisData { s32 numOfClusters; // The number of clusters s32 bytesPerCluster; // Bytes (8 bits) in the cluster's bitset c8 *pBitsets; // Array of bytes holding the cluster vis. }; struct tBSPBrush { s32 brushSide; // The starting brush side for the brush s32 numOfBrushSides; // Number of brush sides for the brush s32 textureID; // The texture index for the brush }; struct tBSPBrushSide { s32 plane; // The plane index s32 textureID; // The texture index }; struct tBSPModel { f32 min[3]; // The min position for the bounding box f32 max[3]; // The max position for the bounding box. s32 faceIndex; // The first face index in the model s32 numOfFaces; // The number of faces in the model s32 brushIndex; // The first brush index in the model s32 numOfBrushes; // The number brushes for the model }; struct tBSPFog { c8 shader[64]; // The name of the shader file s32 brushIndex; // The brush index for this shader s32 visibleSide; // the brush side that ray tests need to clip against (-1 == none }; core::array < STexShader > FogMap; struct tBSPLights { u8 ambient[3]; // This is the ambient color in RGB u8 directional[3]; // This is the directional color in RGB u8 direction[2]; // The direction of the light: [phi,theta] }; void loadTextures (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the textures void loadLightmaps (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the lightmaps void loadVerts (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the vertices void loadFaces (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the faces void loadPlanes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // Load the Planes of the BSP void loadNodes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Nodes of the BSP void loadLeafs (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Leafs of the BSP void loadLeafFaces (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the Faces of the Leafs of the BSP void loadVisData (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the visibility data of the clusters void loadEntities (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the entities void loadModels (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the models void loadMeshVerts (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the mesh vertices void loadBrushes (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushes of the BSP void loadBrushSides (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushsides of the BSP void loadLeafBrushes(tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the brushes of the leaf void loadFogs (tBSPLump* l, io::IReadFile* file); // load the shaders //bi-quadratic bezier patches void createCurvedSurface_bezier(SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer, s32 faceIndex, s32 patchTesselation, s32 storevertexcolor); void createCurvedSurface_nosubdivision(SMeshBufferLightMap* meshBuffer, s32 faceIndex, s32 patchTesselation, s32 storevertexcolor); struct S3DVertex2TCoords_64 { core::vector3d<f64> Pos; core::vector3d<f64> Normal; video::SColorf Color; core::vector2d<f64> TCoords; core::vector2d<f64> TCoords2; void copy( video::S3DVertex2TCoords &dest ) const; S3DVertex2TCoords_64() {} S3DVertex2TCoords_64(const core::vector3d<f64>& pos, const core::vector3d<f64>& normal, const video::SColorf& color, const core::vector2d<f64>& tcoords, const core::vector2d<f64>& tcoords2) : Pos(pos), Normal(normal), Color(color), TCoords(tcoords), TCoords2(tcoords2) {} S3DVertex2TCoords_64 getInterpolated_quadratic(const S3DVertex2TCoords_64& v2, const S3DVertex2TCoords_64& v3, const f64 d) const { return S3DVertex2TCoords_64 ( Pos.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.Pos, v3.Pos, d ), Normal.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.Normal, v3.Normal, d ), Color.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.Color, v3.Color, (f32) d ), TCoords.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.TCoords, v3.TCoords, d ), TCoords2.getInterpolated_quadratic ( v2.TCoords2, v3.TCoords2, d )); } }; inline void copy( video::S3DVertex2TCoords * dest, const tBSPVertex * source, s32 vertexcolor ) const; void copy( S3DVertex2TCoords_64 * dest, const tBSPVertex * source, s32 vertexcolor ) const; struct SBezier { SMeshBufferLightMap *Patch; S3DVertex2TCoords_64 control[9]; void tesselate(s32 level); private: s32 Level; core::array<S3DVertex2TCoords_64> column[3]; }; SBezier Bezier; quake3::Q3LevelLoadParameter LoadParam; tBSPLump Lumps[kMaxLumps]; tBSPTexture* Textures; s32 NumTextures; tBSPLightmap* LightMaps; s32 NumLightMaps; tBSPVertex* Vertices; s32 NumVertices; tBSPFace* Faces; s32 NumFaces; tBSPPlane* Planes; s32 NumPlanes; tBSPNode* Nodes; s32 NumNodes; tBSPLeaf* Leafs; s32 NumLeafs; s32 *LeafFaces; s32 NumLeafFaces; s32 *MeshVerts; // The vertex offsets for a mesh s32 NumMeshVerts; tBSPBrush* Brushes; s32 NumBrushes; scene::SMesh* Mesh[quake3::E_Q3_MESH_SIZE]; video::IVideoDriver* Driver; core::stringc LevelName; io::IFileSystem* FileSystem; // needs because there are no file extenstions stored in .bsp files. // Additional content scene::ISceneManager* SceneManager; enum eToken { Q3_TOKEN_UNRESOLVED = 0, Q3_TOKEN_EOF = 1, Q3_TOKEN_START_LIST, Q3_TOKEN_END_LIST, Q3_TOKEN_ENTITY, Q3_TOKEN_TOKEN, Q3_TOKEN_EOL, Q3_TOKEN_COMMENT, Q3_TOKEN_MATH_DIVIDE, Q3_TOKEN_MATH_ADD, Q3_TOKEN_MATH_MULTIPY }; struct SQ3Parser { const c8 *source; u32 sourcesize; u32 index; core::stringc token; eToken tokenresult; }; SQ3Parser Parser; typedef void( CQ3LevelMesh::*tParserCallback ) ( quake3::SVarGroupList *& groupList, eToken token ); void parser_parse( const void * data, u32 size, tParserCallback callback ); void parser_nextToken(); void dumpVarGroup( const quake3::SVarGroup * group, s32 stack ) const; void scriptcallback_entity( quake3::SVarGroupList *& grouplist, eToken token ); void scriptcallback_shader( quake3::SVarGroupList *& grouplist, eToken token ); void scriptcallback_config( quake3::SVarGroupList *& grouplist, eToken token ); core::array < quake3::IShader > Shader; core::array < quake3::IShader > Entity; //quake3::tQ3EntityList Entity; quake3::tStringList ShaderFile; void InitShader(); void ReleaseShader(); void ReleaseEntity(); s32 setShaderMaterial( video::SMaterial & material, const tBSPFace * face ) const; s32 setShaderFogMaterial( video::SMaterial &material, const tBSPFace * face ) const; struct SToBuffer { s32 takeVertexColor; u32 index; }; void cleanMeshes(); void cleanLoader (); void calcBoundingBoxes(); c8 buf[128]; }; } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif
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