
24-02-2008 23:48:58

Date d'inscription: 21-10-2006
Messages: 150
Site web

Salut !

Pas très original comme titre... mais bon.

Alors, mon problème !
J'arrive a compilé, mais résultat nul au niveau du moteur physique (cad, moteur passif... non executé)

Je n'arrive pas a savoir pourquoi ça ne marche pas...
Merci de m'aider !



#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "game.h"

// the game
class CGame Game;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Init game

    // Create scene

    // Main Loop

    // Clean up memory

    return 0;



#include "StdAfx.h"

void CGame::Init()
    // Init the Irrlicht engine
    device = createDevice(EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d<s32>(1024, 768), 16, false, true, this);

    driver = device->getVideoDriver();
    smgr = device->getSceneManager();
    guienv = device->getGUIEnvironment();

    // Init newton
    nWorld = NewtonCreate(NULL, NULL);

    // Set up default material properties for newton
    int i = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(nWorld);
    NewtonMaterialSetDefaultFriction   (nWorld, i, i, 0.8f, 0.4f);
    NewtonMaterialSetDefaultElasticity (nWorld, i, i, 0.3f);
    NewtonMaterialSetDefaultSoftness   (nWorld, i, i, 0.05f);
    NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback (nWorld, i, i, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    // add the camera
    cam = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS();
    cam->setPosition(vector3df(0, 50, 0));

    lasttick = 0;

    currentCube = 0;

void CGame::Prepare()
    // add skybox

    // load map
    g_map = smgr->getMesh("data/physicstest.bsp");
    g_mapnode = smgr->addOctTreeSceneNode(g_map->getMesh(0));

    // Create the newton collision tree from the map mesh
    // Remember to use (video::S3DVertex) if you are loading a mesh without lightmaps
    // for your level. (Like a .x or .3ds level)
    g_newtonmap = NewtonCreateTreeCollision(nWorld, NULL);
    u32 CMeshBuffer, j;
    int v1i, v2i, v3i;
    IMeshBuffer *mb;

    float vArray[9]; // vertex array (3*3 floats)

    int tmpCount = 0;

    for (CMeshBuffer=0; CMeshBuffer<g_map->getMesh(0)->getMeshBufferCount(); CMeshBuffer++)
        mb = g_map->getMesh(0)->getMeshBuffer(CMeshBuffer);

        video::S3DVertex2TCoords* mb_vertices = (irr::video::S3DVertex2TCoords*)mb->getVertices();

        u16* mb_indices  = mb->getIndices();

        // add each triangle from the mesh
        for (j=0; j<mb->getIndexCount(); j+=3)
            v1i = mb_indices[j];
            v2i = mb_indices[j+1];
            v3i = mb_indices[j+2];

            vArray[0] = mb_vertices[v1i].Pos.X;
            vArray[1] = mb_vertices[v1i].Pos.Y;
            vArray[2] = mb_vertices[v1i].Pos.Z;
            vArray[3] = mb_vertices[v2i].Pos.X;
            vArray[4] = mb_vertices[v2i].Pos.Y;
            vArray[5] = mb_vertices[v2i].Pos.Z;
            vArray[6] = mb_vertices[v3i].Pos.X;
            vArray[7] = mb_vertices[v3i].Pos.Y;
            vArray[8] = mb_vertices[v3i].Pos.Z;

            NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(g_newtonmap, 3, (float*)vArray, 12, 1);

    NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild(g_newtonmap, 0);
    g_newtonmapbody = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, g_newtonmap);

    // set the newton world size based on the bsp size
    float boxP0[3];
    float boxP1[3];
    float matrix[4][4];
    NewtonBodyGetMatrix (g_newtonmapbody, &matrix[0][0]);
    NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB (g_newtonmap, &matrix[0][0],  &boxP0[0], &boxP1[0]);
    // you can pad the box here if you wish
    //boxP0.y -= somevalue;
    //boxP1.y += somevaluef;
    NewtonSetWorldSize (nWorld, (float*)boxP0, (float*)boxP1);

    // hide cursor

    // Make some cubes
    int xo = 500, yo = 500;
    int x, y;
    for (x=0; x<10; x++)
        for (y=0; y<10; y++)
            MakeCube(vector3df((float)(x*100)-xo, 200.0f, (float)(y*100)-yo));


void CGame::MainLoop()

    // Update newton 100 times / second
    if (device->getTimer()->getTime() > lasttick + 1000) {
        lasttick = device->getTimer()->getTime();
        NewtonUpdate(nWorld, 0.01f);
        printf("Tik %i \n", lasttick);

void CGame::Render()
    driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(0,220,220,255));

    // render the scene


    // Draw fps counter
    int fps = driver->getFPS();
    if (lastFPS != fps)
        wchar_t tmp[1024];
        swprintf(tmp, 1024, L"Newton Example [fps:%d] [triangles:%d]",
        fps, driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn());
        lastFPS = fps;

void CGame::Finish()
    // release the collision tree
    NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, g_newtonmap);

    // release the box primitives
    for (int i=0; i<currentCube; i++)
        NewtonReleaseCollision(nWorld, cubes[i]->collision);

    // finish newton & irrlicht

// Irrlicht event receiver

bool CGame::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
    if (event.EventType == irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT && event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN)
        // make a cube where the camera is and set its velocity to follow the target
        NewtonCube *tmp = MakeCube(cam->getPosition());
        if (!tmp) return false;
        vector3df camvec = (cam->getTarget() - cam->getPosition()).normalize() * 500;
        float newpos[3] = { camvec.X, camvec.Y, camvec.Z };
        NewtonBodySetVelocity(tmp->body, (float*)newpos);

    return false;

// Adds a cube into the world.

NewtonCube *CGame::MakeCube(vector3df loc)
    NewtonCube *tmp = new NewtonCube;
    printf("Verif 1 \n");
    tmp->mesh = smgr->getMesh("data/smallcube.3ds");
    tmp->node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(tmp->mesh);
    tmp->node->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("data/crate.jpg"));
    printf("Verif 2 \n");
    // Create a box primitive. 38 is just an estimated value of the size of the model,
    tmp->collision = NewtonCreateBox(nWorld, 38, 38, 38, NULL);
    tmp->body = NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, tmp->collision);
    printf("Verif 3 \n");
    // Set user data pointer to the scene node
    NewtonBodySetUserData(tmp->body, tmp->node);
    printf("Verif 4 \n");
    // Set body mass & inertia matrix
    NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (tmp->body, 10.0f, 150.0f, 150.0f, 150.0f);
    printf("Verif 5 \n");
    // Set the freeze threshhold to 1 unit (default is 0.01 but irrlight uses a large unit scale)
    NewtonBodySetFreezeTreshold(tmp->body, 1.0, 1.0, 10);
    printf("Verif 6 \n");
    // Set callback functions for the body
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(tmp->body, SetMeshTransformEvent);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(tmp->body, ApplyForceAndTorqueEvent);
    printf("Verif 7 \n");
    // Set the position of the body
    matrix4 mat;
    NewtonBodySetMatrix(tmp->body, mat.pointer());
    printf("Verif 8  : %f \n", mat.pointer());
    if (currentCube == 512)
        printf("* Too many cubes!");
        return NULL;

    cubes[currentCube] = tmp;
    currentCube ++;
    printf("Verif 9 \n");
    printf("%i\n", currentCube);
    return tmp;

// The last 2 functions are callbacks from newton

void _cdecl CGame::SetMeshTransformEvent(const NewtonBody* body, const float* matrix)
    // copy the matrix into an irrlicht matrix4
    matrix4 mat;
    memcpy(mat.pointer(), matrix, sizeof(float)*16);

    // Retreive the user data attached to the newton body
    ISceneNode *tmp = (ISceneNode *)NewtonBodyGetUserData(body);
    printf("Check ! \n");
    if (tmp)
        printf("Roger ! \n");
        // Position the node
        tmp->setPosition(mat.getTranslation());        // set position
        tmp->setRotation(mat.getRotationDegrees());    // and rotation

void _cdecl CGame::ApplyForceAndTorqueEvent (const NewtonBody* body)
   float mass;
   float Ixx;
   float Iyy;
   float Izz;
   float force[3];
   float torque[3];

   NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (body, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

   force[0] = 0.0f;
   force[1] = NEWTON_GRAVITY * mass;
   force[2] = 0.0f;

   torque[0] = 0.0f;
   torque[1] = 0.0f;
   torque[2] = 0.0f;

   NewtonBodyAddForce (body, force);
   NewtonBodyAddTorque (body, torque);



#include "StdAfx.h"

#if !defined(GAME_H)
#define GAME_H

struct NewtonCube {
    IAnimatedMesh *mesh;
    ISceneNode *node;
    NewtonBody *body;
    NewtonCollision *collision;

class CGame : public IEventReceiver {
    // misc
    int lastFPS;
    u32 lasttick;

    // Irrlicht  vars
    IVideoDriver* driver;
    ISceneManager* smgr;
    IGUIEnvironment* guienv;
    IrrlichtDevice *device;

    // Newton vars
    NewtonWorld *nWorld;

    // our level
    scene::IAnimatedMesh* g_map;
    scene::ISceneNode* g_mapnode;
    scene::ITriangleSelector *g_selector;
    NewtonCollision* g_newtonmap;
    NewtonBody* g_newtonmapbody;

    // scene vars
    ICameraSceneNode *cam;

    // Irrlicht Callbacks
    virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event);

    // Newton Callbacks
    static void _cdecl SetMeshTransformEvent(const NewtonBody* , const float*);
    static void _cdecl ApplyForceAndTorqueEvent (const NewtonBody* body);

    // Game Functions
    void Init();
    void Prepare();

    void MainLoop();

    void Render();

    void Finish();

    // Game functions
    NewtonCube *cubes[512];
    int currentCube;
    NewtonCube *MakeCube(vector3df loc);





// stdafx.h : used by visual c. sorry :p

#if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__A2BDE55A_D9D6_448F_8A27_9F660C8D24D4__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_STDAFX_H__A2BDE55A_D9D6_448F_8A27_9F660C8D24D4__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "Newton.lib")

#define NEWTON_GRAVITY -800.0f

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>

// irrlicht
#include <irr1.4/irrlicht.h>
#include "newton.h"
#include <wchar.h>

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

// newton
#include <Newton.h>

// example class
#include "Game.h"

// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__A2BDE55A_D9D6_448F_8A27_9F660C8D24D4__INCLUDED_)

Je précise que c'est un tuto qui court sur le net, et que j'ai modifié pour compilé (mat.M remplacé par mat.pointer())

Si vous avez des suggestions/questions n'hésiter pas !


Athlon 3000+ / 1024Mo PC3200 /8800 GTS

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25-02-2008 18:54:00

Date d'inscription: 21-10-2006
Messages: 150
Site web

Personne ne peut m'aider ?


Athlon 3000+ / 1024Mo PC3200 /8800 GTS

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25-02-2008 21:32:26

Date d'inscription: 21-10-2006
Messages: 150
Site web

Athlon 3000+ / 1024Mo PC3200 /8800 GTS

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28-02-2008 21:44:43

Date d'inscription: 21-10-2006
Messages: 150
Site web

Me revoici ^^

Bon, j'ai réussi a compilé... par contre, le seul tuto et source ne me suffit pas pour codé...

En gros, j'aimerai bien que le pro qui on déjà joué avec Newton m'explique un peu comment agencer les fonctions pour établir un chouette moteur.

Donc !
Actuellement j'ai comprit que :
-On initialise le moteur, le tree et le reste...
-On crée un node irrlicht
-On crée un corp physique newton
-On attache le node au corps (et pas l'inverse... il faut donc jouer sur le corps et pas sur le node)
-On paramètre le corps

Ensuite, petit trou ?!
"NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(tmp->body, SetMeshTransformEvent);
NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(tmp->body, ApplyForceAndTorqueEvent);"

-Puis on crée un matrice de transformation :    
matrix4 mat;
NewtonBodySetMatrix(tmp->body, &mat[0]);

-Puis newton rafraichi tout ça : NewtonUpdate(nWorld, 0.01f);

Mais arrive mon problème...
-Comment associé une camera à un corps afin de gérer une collision ?
-Avez vous des tutos (ou de vieux codes) riches en exemples de collision afin que je comprenne ?

Des ptit truc et astuces ? ^^


Athlon 3000+ / 1024Mo PC3200 /8800 GTS

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